Tuesday, March 10, 2009



n perfectly fine..

Friday, March 6, 2009

Life Is Good

Kay... Need to say that this thing here is partially affected by the discussion surrounding the demise of that David Hartanto Widjadja who passed away few days back. It makes me think about suicide cases. I wont say his death is due to suicide. You know, there are controversies around who stabbed who.

Anyways, this incident (together with NUS' exchange student's demise) show us how fragile one's life. I mean here you are having fun and there you go tomorrow, straight to hell/heaven or grave depending whether you believe in afterlife (in my case, I do believe). Life is damn damn damn unpredictable. I have never been in a near death incident before but I know that life is really precious. And oh, for emos out there, this post is meant for you too. You see, since you might not know when you are going to be taken away from the mortal world, you might as well make some impacts today, now, this second, which is why this post is written.

For those who happen to want to take away their own life and happen to read this. I do recommend not to commit suicide. Well, it ends your problem here but it adds problem to people around you! Even those who dont know you. Lets take example of myself. If I commit suicide (which I dont think I would) who are going to be affected? Other than those who know me in person, I think the person who is going to occupy my room after me would be affected! Tongue in cheek aside, I play quite some games, like DoTA. Of course people would relate my theoritical suicide with DoTA players, citing Terra Majin as another example and draw a conclusion that yes, DoTA is bad for your health. Not necessarily right? Maybe indeed my case I was playing that bad in a game and I decide to suicide ala Techies but hey, not all DoTA players who commit suicide are due to the influence of DoTA right? (Once again this is theoritical case)

So yup... Life is good! Why suicide?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Why I was absent from blogging... again

Erm, this time around no actual reason... Just dont feel like doing anything (sadly this involves studying...) even Dota ing. I indeed played a few games, but the excitement was not there. You know... I play just for the sake of socializing. I found it hard initially to talk to all those smukies geniuses, me and my underpowered brain cant match with their performing brain. Soccer, yesssss I am still playing, just that with stupid injuries, cant have me play full power, right? Here's just a list of 'injuries' locations: lower left knee, left ankle, right ankle, left foot...

I have a high inertia. That was not referring to my body mass which have increased at an alarming pace. I need to get a extremely high amount of push before I start to do something. And yup, once I do it, it is quite difficult for me to end. For example, reading a manga. It is hard for me to start reading, but it is hard for me to stop reading too... Lets take it in terms of study... Once I can force myself to grab and start reading notes, I wont stop till -I dunno- the chapter / notes ends. The problem is, I still dont know what can make me overcome that inertia.

Recently have developed a liking to singing. You know, I like to attend that Nuansa training on Saturday mornings. I like the exercises, but not the responsibility. Opening and closing a musical act might be simple to seasoned artist. But hey, look here! I am first time performer and I am supposed to do that? ACAPELLA?! I am okay with more trainings, just that thinking what would happen if I failed, that alone is sufficient for me to allocate some of my brain space to it. Let's hope my wrecked-tin voice can turn better for Nuansa.

Speaking of brain space. Okay... That's it man... I am officially declaring myself stressed of that girl! I cant take it already. Helloooo even school exam is not a year and a half long!!!! Come on!!!! I am half GG-ed here!