Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wish List

I was watching SNSD's Hello Baby and suddenly this thought came into my mind. One of the songs by SNSD can be translated as 'Tell Me Your Wish' and probably this inspired me to write down a wish list. You know -just a little bit of thought on wish list here- I think wish list is a kind of manifestation of your purpose of life and values held. For ideal case, I believe that a wish list should be empty. Really. It is indeed true that according to economists, humans have infinite wants and needs but there should be a point where a person says that 'I am satisfied' so this would be the state whereby the wish list is empty.

So what is your wish list? Being an imperfect fella, my wish list is pretty long. I popped this question in a mass chat with Ted, Nonk and Adit. And yup, Nonk and I decided to write down on our respective blogs (rather than forgetting it, I rather write it down here)... Adit had a blog regarding his wish list and Ted was (correct me if I am wrong) pretty skeptical about wish list. So here goes my wish list.

Let's start with tangible stuff first:
- LCD monitor 16' for my desktop
- A fixed guitar (yeah... FIXED), I dont mind C-330
- $4000 to finish my NUS education, or more...
- That rubber mat to cover my floor, that is about 16 more
- Two extra pair of heavyduty jeans, any brands will do
- A laptop, simple one will do, as long as it can be used for browsing and working
- Enough wires, plugs and whatnot to create my own home theatre
- Surgery for my joints (or anything that can fix it)
- Larger room.. 4x3m is good, 5x4 is wow!
- Digital camera, at least 12 megapixels, 5X optical zoom....
- Electric drill, electric saw, planks of wood.... kyaaaa
- Sunny (nahhh... kidding... though i dont mind knowing her)

Now the abstract thing (this cant be considered as wish list imho):
- Graduate soon (one n half semester)
- Well paid and enjoyable job
- Get married and start a happy family
- Raise kids who are more successful than me
- All my good friends' wives know each other well
- World peace (naaaahhh... i'm fine with current state)
- See the world aka traveling

Right... I am working to delete the list one by one. Yeah! Let's roll!

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Interestingly I notice something... My tangible list deal mostly with short term wishes while the other list is generally speaking about long term matters.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Hallyu wave -> refers to the increased popularity of South Korean culture around the world since the 21st century, especially among the Millenial Generation... That was taken from wiki... And so many people (including readers here) know that I am into K-Pop stuff (which is pretty weird according to many). While K-Pop can be characterized by the presence of eye candies, I beg to differ on why I like K-Pop. The songs are actually good n catchy. Anyways, sharing with you here two three of my favorite songs.

link to 2AM - This Song
I came to heard of this quartet from dingdong who informed me of 2PM (2AM and 2PM came from the same project). I was impressed at their ability to belt such mellow type song, considering I saw 2PM bboy-hiphop style first. After I googled the meaning behind the lyric of the song I was even further impressed.

link to FT Island - I Hope
I know the existence of this band from a reality show which was joined by one of the members. Anyways, I didnt know there was a popular band amidst the girlband/boyband wave in Korean music scene. This song has uber cool intro, mild-smooth verse and damn cool chorus. The MV is pretty interesting too.

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link to Taeyang - Where U At
Well, this fella is one of the five members of Big Bang. This solo single is catchy. Sleek dance moves, decent (if not uber good) voice, smooth song, numerous English parts, enough for me to play this song repeatedly. (note to self: dingdong immediately entered her drool drool mode once I intro-ed this song)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Yup... Breathe... Coz it is 090909 0909h and apparently I am still alive to experience such interesting moment...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Pardon me. This time I'm writing in Bahasa Indonesia. Oh well... I only have 2 non-Indo reader anyways (I think) n you guys understand Bahasa, right? N anyways, the thing below is full of complains.

Kenapa ya hidup gw (terutama tepatnya soal cinta) selalu penuh dengan penantian akan seseorang yang nggak gw dapetin anyways ya? Ok, sebelum gw bahas terusannya... Jangan kasi komen gw ttg 'Indah pada waktunya' atau 'Segala sesuatu ada masanya' karena gw udah tau, apal, n internalize dalam diri gw... Gw punya pengalaman, orang2 yang nasehatin gw jangan cari cewe dl itu hipokrit! Apaan bilang jangan cari pacar dl, sendirinya juga udah pacaran dari umur 14, 18, gitu-gitu lah. Itupun setelah ngomong ama gw jangan cari pacar, pacaran lagi... Haizz... Manusia...

Ok, sebelumnya gw tulis dl sejarah gw. Ini filosofi gw. Gw ga pernah cari pacar. Gw cari istri! Gw ngaku, pertama kali gw serius ngejar cewe (yang ngga pake unsur monyet-monyetan) itu baru taun 2004 kalo ngga salah bulan Agst. Abis kejar-kejaran selama setaunan, yup... menunggu... menunggu gw libur selesai n siap ngejar lagi... eh... ga taunya gw musti kerja keras nyambung hidup... 10 jam/hr... Asoy geboy choy! Abis dah... Ga bs ngejar gara2 ga ada waktu... Cabut dah tuh cewe.. Secara ajaib ilang rasa waktu gw freshie. Trus kenal ama cewe laen kira2 setengah taun sesudahnya... Ngejar lagi lah... Trus nunggu lagi... Kali ini 3 bulan.... Eeeh, dapet pesen ga boleh pacaran... Sumpah nangis deh gw... Haizz... Trus gw kena rebound brengsek itu. Mana cewenya jagoan kontrol cowo lagi haha... Untungnya cuman sebulan dua. Habis itu gw semedi... Sampeee... Gw ketemu 14.5... Gak lama, dia bilang mungkin cabut dari sini... Nunggu lagi deh... Singkat cerita, dia musti balik. N gw? Ya nunggu lagi sampe sekarang. Asik-asiknya nunggu sampe 5 bulan, eeh.. tiba2 ada potensial baru. Si P14 ini... Ya walopun secara jujur gw bilang ini potensial, tapi gw rasa, gw lebih sayang ama dia sebagai ade gw. Tapi ga tau ya ini bakal ke mana soalnya saya kan cuman manusia. Ancurnya lagi, kalo toh gw mau ngejar siapapun, gw musti nunggu lagi minimal 2 taun. Ngga cukup itu aja, secara gw resmi ambil
offshore oil n gas specialization, ini pasti gw harus nunggu sampe karir gw stabil dl baru bisa cari istri.

Nah sekarang bagian komplain komplainnya! KENAPA SIH MUSTI NUNGGU?!!!?! Berkali2 pula. Gagal terus pula... Hadohhh... Jalan gw kok aneh banget. Kayak musti lewat jalan tol lempeng tapi ngga selesai2 kayak
old airport rd. Iya, gw tau pasti berakhir n gw punya iman bahwa gw bakal berakhir di pelaminan jg. Tapi kadang kadang, namanya manusia, apalagi cowo... Wadoh ga tahannya itu setengah mati. Ngiri rasanya liat temen2 yang udah punya cewe sejak masi belasan. Nah gw udah kepala gw masih belum ada gandengan... Ngirinya bukan gara2 statusnya seh.. Cuman gini... Menurut gw, ada untungnya pacaran masi muda. Karakter masih bs dibentuk. Jadi kalo ga cocok, masih banyak room for improvement. Lah kalo udah se'tua' gw? Kurang lebih apa yang gw yakini bener n gw pegang itu udah fixed. Kalo mau ngubah, musti perang gede tuh. Haduh...

Nah repotnya lagi... Bonyok udah minta cucu!!!! Udah nyuruh gw cari pacar. Tekanan tekanan tekanan kyaaaaaaa... Ga cuma bonyok! Eshan juga udah minta 'Ko, cariin cici buat aku'. Edan edan... Gini deh kalo sekeluarga hobi ngerjain. Awas lo es, tak doain kamu jadi sama Fransiska Andriani atau entah siapa gitu!

Udah ngambek-ngambek sampe segitunya, gw bilang gw juga masih belum cukup umur buat pacaran seh. Masalahnya gw masih kecil. Ngatur temper ndiri aja kadang lepas. Okelah, ini gw udah
mild banget dibandingin bbrp taun lalu. Tapi tetep ada beberapa kali lepas kendali gw. Nggak cuman itu. Waktu waktu waktu!!!! Selama gw masih berkutat ama sekolah n eskul, gw rasa gw ga bs punya cukup waktu buat cewe gw. Ini filosofi laen lagi. Begitu gw punya cewe, gw musti siap korbanin 80-90% waktu gw buat dia. Menurut statistika, jadi kurang lebih CI gw segitu la! Kenapa gitu? Soalnya begitu nikah, udah musti 100% (okelah tawar-tawar dikit bs buat hobi ama maen2 ndiri) dan seiring filosofi pertama gw... 80-90% nggak terlalu susah kok. Gw ga mau ngalamin kejadian gini...

Pacar: Eh TLO, gw perlu bantuan neh... Blah blah...
TLO: Eh maap ya, gw lagi latihan NUANSA neh...
Pacar: Kalo ntar malem gw telp lagi bs?
TLO: Waaahhh... ga bs, tar malem musti bantu2 CBLC neh...
Pacar: Besok?
TLO: Bisa seh, tapi jam 7 pagi bisa? Jam 8-1 duty, trus lab sampe jam 5.
Pacar: ...

Terusin ndiri deh... Menurut salah satu freshie gw n si item SiDney jg... Ga semua cewe
high time maintenance kayak gitu.. Tapi dalam kasus gw... OMG!!! Ada kemungkinan gw punya waktu mepet banget sampe-sampe mau ambil 3 jam aja susah stengah mati. Nah jadi sekarang apa? NUNGGU LAGI LAH!!!! Okelah, gw punya filosofi satu lagi gini. Kalo memang jatah gw, ga bakal kemana-mana. Kalo keambil duluan, ya kalo gitu bukan jatah gw... Tapi mosok nunggu lagi? Capeeee!!!

But it's ok...
Not big deal...
(tapi ngomong gt susah bgt!)

Jadi TLO.. Lo mau yang mana?
Yang 14.5 sih...

Yang 14?
Ga tau! Gw pusing! Dia gw anggep adek seh, cuman kalo kayak gini mulu....
Thank God this is cleared tanpa aneh-aneh. Wish you all the best!

Yang laen?
Bisa... Bisa... Masih belum ketemu 15 kok...

*edited 170909 0420*

FB Status (again)

I love my fb status...

Mike JK fried potato is an amazing food... cut it thinly, you got chips... cut it slightly thicker n make it like a splinter, you got fries... cut it slightly fatter, you got wedges... smash it and form it into a oval-ish shape, you got hashbrown...