Monday, October 29, 2007

Kula saged ngendhika ning Basa Jawi sekedhik kemawon, nanging kula seneng sanget, merginipun kula weruh setunggal kaca wonten Wikipedia ingkang ngeteraken kula menyang Wikipedia Abasa Jawi. Dinten niki kula maca kathah sanget bab wayang ingkang dipun serataken ngangge Basa Jawi! Mangga mriksani kaca Wikipedia Jawi. Kula bungah sanget amargi kula taksih saged nyerat ngangge Basa Jawi, hahahhaa.....

Secret, Law of Attraction, and Faith

Okay, so I was trying to study 2 days ago... Exam's approaching you see... However, there was this little commotions in the TV room of the R2 which made me more or less interested. Inside that room I saw 3 familiar figures (erm... 4 actually, if you count that irritating OV from SAVE) Lisa, Gaby, n Asec. I asked these three fella what they were doing in the dark with the seemingly uninteresting TV program running on the screen. They were telling me that they were watching The Secret. Confounded a little bit, I joined them in watching. Well, apparently it is very interesting. The 'movie' is talking about The Law of Attraction. Somehow I found the law very familiar and thus I shall do a freelance-biased analysis down here.

The Law of Attraction generally states that "experience physical and mental manifestations that correspond to their predominant thoughts, feelings, words, and actions and that people therefore have direct control over reality and their lives through thought alone". This definition I took from Wikipedia. The Secret put it through an example, it would be this way: You want a bicycle. The 'Universe' would adjust accordingly such that you would get the bicycle (correct me if I am wrong here).

The show goes on and on and on showing n explaining about the law. And at one moment of time it was mentioned about the 3 steps of getting what you want. Ask, answer, receive. Please read articles regarding these three steps if you are interested coz I myself not too familiar with the law. However, I found that all along the law of attraction has always been there. It is what I called FAITH.

Oh well, 'ask' part of the law states that if we want something, we have to really clear and exact about what we want. Back to my bicycle example, it would be 'a red coloured BMX bike, light enough so that I would easily ollie with it, it would have suspension set on hard, etc etc". Now this is one of the Biblical teaching of 'ask and it shall be given onto you' isnt it? Our God is the specific God as I remember Ko Omar, my youth pastor said. As long as it is in accordance to God's will, anything we ask it is given to us. However, we need to be specific in our request. Say I want a bike. Of course He wouldnt mind giving me one. But just what kind of bike I want. Though God is omniscience, He wants the kids to say what they want. So yeah, as I said.. Isnt it FAITH?

Third part 'receive'... Once you have asked for something, go on and act as if you have received that thing. For example, my above-mentioned bike. Once I say I want the bike, everyday I would picture myself having the bike. I would start to buy the bike chain, helmet etc. And as a result (according to the law) the universe will somehow works out to give me the bike. Oh well, it IS how it works, just that it is not the universe that is the superior being. It is God who would grant us anything as long as we seek Him and His righteousness. Isnt it stated in the Bible? But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (please refer to Mat 6:33). Rev David Yonggi Cho (prev Paul Yonggi Cho) hs written this matter regarding visualisation in one of his books. I forgot which one, but I think it is the book titled 'The Fourth Dimension'.

Well right now I am asking for something in my life. I would try to stick to my own (or rather the Bible) version of Law of Attraction, "ask, seek, knock" (refer to Mat 7:7). Well, in the mean time, I would keep visualizing what I want. Fun isnt it?

Friday, October 26, 2007

CS Addict

Okay, now I have the time to write (at last). Actually I have had some spare time last week and last last week... Just that I am addicted to this CS game on facebook. It started with those people (only remember edwin n nonk though) started playing it. Here's the rule of the game. You are given a character who start as a recruit. You have a gun n 5000. Then you have to kill other players to get money (can be your friend can be random). Interestingly, on the first night I played, I managed to find the bug which enable a player to multi-frag (aka kill a player many times). Then the rest of the guys start to do that as well. To cut the story short, I joined this uber pro CS facebook clan called the Counter Strike Elite. Imagine, top 3 players are from this clan and in the top 100, there are 35 of us. Oh, just for your information, there are 20000 users play daily worldwide and I am #35 by press time. You see how addicted I am...

Well, exam is coming real soon. Probably in the next month I would be busy with school stuff. Today the last Bizcom project I would attend this semester is over. The Project Glam (megasale event) has not been as crazy as the Vanity Fair (whereby the queue reached the bus stop of the central forum) but overall the turnout is quite nice. Anyways, Citra got herself 5 bags and 1 pair of shoes. WHAT THE HELL?!!?!?!?! This kind of people is what NUSSU needed hahahaha.... Still talking about Bizcom, another log incident happened again yesterday... One of the Bizcom projects, the NUStyle has been banned from all usage of NUSSU facilities by Dir of Log, due to failure in clearing the space after usage. Oh well no comment on that... Just hope everything would be better.

Sebenernya ada sih, cuman males gw tulis pake inggris. Ntar takutnya si kepala gudang gendheng itu tau alamat blog ini. Tar gw dibantai ama dia. !#$%^&*&^%$ tuh orang... Nggak bisa apa dia kurangin keprajuritannya dikit? Ini senat bung, bukan tni! Nggak cukup pake acara cabut-cabutan hak, dia pake nyolotin si hantu (baca pake hokkien) segala. Kan critanya kita mau tau siapa yang taruh makanan sembarangan, eh malah nantang balik kalo misalnya anak komite bisnis, berani apa nggak kita dicabut semua haknya? Goblok apa sinting sih? Sadis bener. Kita mau tau lah siapa yang bikin ribut. Lho kalo gitu misalnya gw mau kerjain si humas gampang donk? Tinggal taruh makanan di meja mereka... Tapi kalo dipikir-pikir, bisa aja si kepala gudang brengsek itu yang naruh makanan di meja gw, spy bisa hukum. Wow... skenario baru. Mungkin sih... Masalahnya berani gak si hantu mau usut. Tapi kaya gitu juga ngga bisa. Soalnya si kepala gudang itu dari humas. Sedeng sedeng.. Tapi itu yang motivasi gw taun depan mati matian pengen jadi kepala gudang. Motivasi: balas dendam. Pokoknya kalo gw jadi kepala gudang, giliran humas yang menderita! Nggak ding canda. Tapi yang pasti gw bakal bikin komite gw tenang. N nggak ada yang namanya tentara-tentaraan lagi. Tambah lagi tadi si Jaja cerita tentang brengseknya si kepala gudang sialan itu. Beneran deh dia nggak pernah dihajar massal ya?

And having said that, I might continue to take Chinese 2. Maybe only cos my Chinese (judging from Chinese 1) not that strong especially conversation-wise. Sometimes I the heck not knowing what the laoshi (Chi: teacher) is saying. I enjoy my tuorial class n lecture group a lot, especially I got a lot of crazy thing to do there. Would I get an A for LAC1201? Dunno, for my midterms I scored 49.5/50 and 8.5/10 however it doesnt guarantee anything (or whatever) coz the standard is very high. I know 5 ppl who score 50/50 for the first midterm!!! Maybe 50 is the average mark and since the grading is based on the Bell's Curve, I am afraid the curve shifted to the right by a lot... Still... I'm praying for my first solid A in NUS.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Yet Another Inactivity

Whoa... 11 days of no posts eh... I myself wonder what have I done on those 11 days. Sometimes it is amazing how fast time flies. Honestly when I was much younger, I think time passed relatively slower. Ok, so I have this agenda (courtesy of NUSSU Welfare diary) on my bag, which supposedly lists what I have done and what I am supposed to do. These are what is on my agenda (exactly as how I put it, in <> are my comments):

1 Oct

2 Oct

3 Oct n 4 Oct

5 Oct
7 ENG --> CHI
7 CHI --> ENG
HAPPY TREE 12pm lunch

6 Oct

| YRC 5-?

7 Oct

8 Oct
<------------- 2113 MoM Quiz ----------->

9 Oct
6.30 NVAC MC meeting

10 Oct
do PROG !
| 2-3.30? |
| OL Quiz |
| 4 Dennis - dungeon |
Belajar CT / Unseen how to do circ, linear, mirror
Chi char!


Oh well, I think I am quite a busy person haha. Today 2pm - 5pm I am going to have this unseen CT tutorial! Scary mannnn.... According to Edwin n Dick, 30 minutes given is not enough to complete the task. I have seen one of the unseen question yesterday. Interestingly, it was easy (as I saw it) but that if you know how SolidWorks works (err...). I think today morning I'm going to do a bit of warm ups before the actual lab period. Try out stuff etc.

On the side note, I got myself two new job. Basically there was this Engin Club recruitment drive and as I have promised Terence, I join his SP (Special Project) committee. I have to do some works on December hols. But then no effect on my going back home, coz Cyberia is confirmed around 17-19 Dec, so I go home 20 onwards la! Guess wad area I am going to specialize? Log again haha...

Second job I juz receive is log member of the PINUS Production. As I said to Tony, I believe that one I am born in Indonesia, that is where my root. Despite my being busy in other areas, I am determined to join this production (somewhere in Feb, but prep work on December). So, yesterday my mind flooded with crazy ideas and thus I maddenedly apply for VPD (despite there is no post such that). Interestingly Tito backed me up! Holy cow, now THAT is something hahahaha.... If I am really accepted, that means the beginning of the Operation No Tired Out (actually it comes from 'Jangan Lelah' haha) whereby a huge float, a candi structure of 1m x 1m x 2m is going to be build, Rag Day style (since no money mah)... So yeah, possibly I am going to be busy this holiday (have fun wad?).

The question remains: Should I book the ticket ~20Dec - ~10 Jan from now?