CS Addict
Okay, now I have the time to write (at last). Actually I have had some spare time last week and last last week... Just that I am addicted to this CS game on facebook. It started with those people (only remember edwin n nonk though) started playing it. Here's the rule of the game. You are given a character who start as a recruit. You have a gun n 5000. Then you have to kill other players to get money (can be your friend can be random). Interestingly, on the first night I played, I managed to find the bug which enable a player to multi-frag (aka kill a player many times). Then the rest of the guys start to do that as well. To cut the story short, I joined this uber pro CS facebook clan called the Counter Strike Elite. Imagine, top 3 players are from this clan and in the top 100, there are 35 of us. Oh, just for your information, there are 20000 users play daily worldwide and I am #35 by press time. You see how addicted I am...
Well, exam is coming real soon. Probably in the next month I would be busy with school stuff. Today the last Bizcom project I would attend this semester is over. The Project Glam (megasale event) has not been as crazy as the Vanity Fair (whereby the queue reached the bus stop of the central forum) but overall the turnout is quite nice. Anyways, Citra got herself 5 bags and 1 pair of shoes. WHAT THE HELL?!!?!?!?! This kind of people is what NUSSU needed hahahaha.... Still talking about Bizcom, another log incident happened again yesterday... One of the Bizcom projects, the NUStyle has been banned from all usage of NUSSU facilities by Dir of Log, due to failure in clearing the space after usage. Oh well no comment on that... Just hope everything would be better.
Sebenernya ada sih, cuman males gw tulis pake inggris. Ntar takutnya si kepala gudang gendheng itu tau alamat blog ini. Tar gw dibantai ama dia. !#$%^&*&^%$ tuh orang... Nggak bisa apa dia kurangin keprajuritannya dikit? Ini senat bung, bukan tni! Nggak cukup pake acara cabut-cabutan hak, dia pake nyolotin si hantu (baca pake hokkien) segala. Kan critanya kita mau tau siapa yang taruh makanan sembarangan, eh malah nantang balik kalo misalnya anak komite bisnis, berani apa nggak kita dicabut semua haknya? Goblok apa sinting sih? Sadis bener. Kita mau tau lah siapa yang bikin ribut. Lho kalo gitu misalnya gw mau kerjain si humas gampang donk? Tinggal taruh makanan di meja mereka... Tapi kalo dipikir-pikir, bisa aja si kepala gudang brengsek itu yang naruh makanan di meja gw, spy bisa hukum. Wow... skenario baru. Mungkin sih... Masalahnya berani gak si hantu mau usut. Tapi kaya gitu juga ngga bisa. Soalnya si kepala gudang itu dari humas. Sedeng sedeng.. Tapi itu yang motivasi gw taun depan mati matian pengen jadi kepala gudang. Motivasi: balas dendam. Pokoknya kalo gw jadi kepala gudang, giliran humas yang menderita! Nggak ding canda. Tapi yang pasti gw bakal bikin komite gw tenang. N nggak ada yang namanya tentara-tentaraan lagi. Tambah lagi tadi si Jaja cerita tentang brengseknya si kepala gudang sialan itu. Beneran deh dia nggak pernah dihajar massal ya?
And having said that, I might continue to take Chinese 2. Maybe only cos my Chinese (judging from Chinese 1) not that strong especially conversation-wise. Sometimes I the heck not knowing what the laoshi (Chi: teacher) is saying. I enjoy my tuorial class n lecture group a lot, especially I got a lot of crazy thing to do there. Would I get an A for LAC1201? Dunno, for my midterms I scored 49.5/50 and 8.5/10 however it doesnt guarantee anything (or whatever) coz the standard is very high. I know 5 ppl who score 50/50 for the first midterm!!! Maybe 50 is the average mark and since the grading is based on the Bell's Curve, I am afraid the curve shifted to the right by a lot... Still... I'm praying for my first solid A in NUS.
1 comment:
gubrakk...pake ditulis gitu me dapet 5 tas... >,<
NUSSU ppl shd thank me some times...huahahah
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