Friday, November 2, 2007

New 'Revelation'

Hmm... Today I read this book entitled 'Berhasil Karena Iman' (Success Caused by Faith) by Maqdalene W. Kawotjo. Erm, this book is an autobiography book which tells a lot about the importance of faith in someone's life. Anyways, what struck me is this thing on page 71. This following paragraph is talking about Matt 6:25, 31-33.

Banyak orang Kristen yang suka mencuplik ayat terakhir dari pasal di atas tanpa mengetahui konteks bacaan di ayat-ayat semelumnya. Mereka meng-claim Tuhan dengan gaya "otoritas" mereka untuk memenuhi semua keinginan mereka, termasuk mobil dan rumah mewah, suami yang tampan, istri yang cantik dan uang yang berlimpah. Itu tidak benar. Tuhan memang senang memberkati anak-anak-Nya yang berdoa menurut kehendak-Nya. Bacalah sekali lagi ayat-ayat di atas: apa yang hendak kamu makan atau minum, tubuhmu, apa yang hendak kamu pakai! Itu adalah kebutuhan pokok, kebutuhan utama. Tuhan tidak akan membiarkan kita kelaparan, kedinginan atau kehausah jika kita mencari kerajaan-Nya serta kebenarannya lebih dahulu, sebab semuanya itu (yaitu kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang sudah dijabarkan di ayat-ayat sebelumnya) akan ditambahkan kepada kita!

In English (self translated):
A lot of Christians like to quote the last verse from the above-mentioned chapter without knowing the context of the reading on the previous verses. They claim God with their "authority" to fulfil all their wants, including exquisite cars and houses, handsome husband, beautiful wife and everflowing money. That is not true. Well, God is glad to bless his children who pray according to his will. Please read the verses mentioned above one more time: what you would eat or drink, your body, what you would wear! That is our primary need, basic necessity. God would not let us starving, freezing or thirsty if we seek his kingdom and its righteousness, because all of those (that is, all the needs elaborated on the previous verses) would be added to us.

Well I have talked about the 'pray according to his will' part. I am interested on the added meaning of this verse. I have never thought before that the word 'all' may refer to all basic needs. Interesting. Oh well, I learned that from my experience. Truly God would never ever ever leave his children starving if they ask him for it. From writing this article, I also realized something. It is so tiring to quote from book hahahaha....


William said...

baru baca lame yg ttg apartment "freehold" ketangkap kok lamenya. tp apartment bukannya leasehold instead of freehold? ==> project mgnt law =p

The Lame One said...

err... gw liatnya 'freehold' too bad loh konstruktornya ga ngambil project magnet (mgnt tuh magnet kan ya?) law