Saturday, May 17, 2008

X (have no idea on the title)

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Why the heck all the good love story always involve a sick / dying / dead person? Ok la.. maybe too much reading / watching these kinds of thing no good for health. Well, if stories are taken from real life, shouldnt be too bizarre right? But why in the first place I want to do biomechanics n create mechanical aid for heart which can control strength and frequency of pumping? And tell me how come the term hypotension is sensitive to me since one and a half year ago?

*edited a little*
Here's a simple resolution I've just made. Put it down here just for a keepsake thing. I hereby declare that from now on I am going to be a nice fella, no matter the circumstance. In any situation that I could not be nice, I would be the nearest to nice. There be many instances whereby I could choose to be asshole, but I declare that I should not do that.

1 comment:

Steven said...

(love) story is getting interesting to watch when they show how to survive from unavoidable BAD situation like sickness. am i right? ah, stupid people. the difficulty in love are too much already, moreover, we can always be in that situation as we never wish. so why dun they make a happy story because people can just reread their diary every night if just to get some tears. HAHAHA.