Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wish List

I was watching SNSD's Hello Baby and suddenly this thought came into my mind. One of the songs by SNSD can be translated as 'Tell Me Your Wish' and probably this inspired me to write down a wish list. You know -just a little bit of thought on wish list here- I think wish list is a kind of manifestation of your purpose of life and values held. For ideal case, I believe that a wish list should be empty. Really. It is indeed true that according to economists, humans have infinite wants and needs but there should be a point where a person says that 'I am satisfied' so this would be the state whereby the wish list is empty.

So what is your wish list? Being an imperfect fella, my wish list is pretty long. I popped this question in a mass chat with Ted, Nonk and Adit. And yup, Nonk and I decided to write down on our respective blogs (rather than forgetting it, I rather write it down here)... Adit had a blog regarding his wish list and Ted was (correct me if I am wrong) pretty skeptical about wish list. So here goes my wish list.

Let's start with tangible stuff first:
- LCD monitor 16' for my desktop
- A fixed guitar (yeah... FIXED), I dont mind C-330
- $4000 to finish my NUS education, or more...
- That rubber mat to cover my floor, that is about 16 more
- Two extra pair of heavyduty jeans, any brands will do
- A laptop, simple one will do, as long as it can be used for browsing and working
- Enough wires, plugs and whatnot to create my own home theatre
- Surgery for my joints (or anything that can fix it)
- Larger room.. 4x3m is good, 5x4 is wow!
- Digital camera, at least 12 megapixels, 5X optical zoom....
- Electric drill, electric saw, planks of wood.... kyaaaa
- Sunny (nahhh... kidding... though i dont mind knowing her)

Now the abstract thing (this cant be considered as wish list imho):
- Graduate soon (one n half semester)
- Well paid and enjoyable job
- Get married and start a happy family
- Raise kids who are more successful than me
- All my good friends' wives know each other well
- World peace (naaaahhh... i'm fine with current state)
- See the world aka traveling

Right... I am working to delete the list one by one. Yeah! Let's roll!

*edited 260909 0500*
Interestingly I notice something... My tangible list deal mostly with short term wishes while the other list is generally speaking about long term matters.


Tetra-compatibility said...

kenapa semua nulis wish list yah? bingung haha

cLaR@ said...

why abandon your blog!

The Lame One said...

not abandoning la... just nth to write