Monday, August 3, 2009


You know, the arrival of the new batch of freshies bring their facebook and msn to my attention. Well... A lot of them (compared to previous years) are attached. And being a good (read: kaypoh) senior, I follow their status on facebook. Then that bring me to my point here... It is kind of rubbing salt to the wound that PDA (Public Display of Affection) is everywhere. Here are some examples:

"ok, aku tunggu dear"
"i always love u, my sweet girl"
"i'm gonna be your husband"
"hopefully we can be much more in love"
"syg next year aku main ksana ya"
"kangen bgt nih sm km"

And so on... Some of these stuff are well.. better unwritten here due to their intimate nature. Right... Now the question (of mine and maybe most facebooking singles) is... Why the heck would there be PDA? I mean, of course you need communication, but is it necessary to announce to the whole world?

I can only think of a reason, actually. It is the human nature of the need of attention. There is this certain level of attention that need to be fulfilled in a person as a social being. Of course, the amount is different from a person to another... Proof of this? Well, I thought of babies crying for food but that might not be a good example. Tell me if you agree or disagree with me. Anyways, this crave (if there is such word) of attention results in people doing different thing. Some might resort in acting know-it-all, some others might take the other direction, by acting blur. Either ways, they got their level of required attention.

(I myself have to admit that sometimes I seek for attention)

Now, relating to that PDA. I guess it is just the way the couple seek attention from each other. You might say that they could do it in private, but it can be argued that doing this kind of thing in public is more effective. Simply put it, by adding the element of bravery into love, the effect can be doubled.

After thinking about this, well... I could tolerate those PDA-ing couple better. Still pretty painful (FINE!! I AM SINGLE, SO WHAT?!) but realizing that it might be the language of love of some couples, I cant help it but to accept such behaviour. After all, I might know the real answer to this issue when (read: if) I got attached.

*edited 030809 0318*


William said...

Hmm, PDA in fb is still acceptable in my opinion, guess it only affects those, whom as you said, and of course including you, who are kaypoh and got nothing to do "checking ppl's fb all the time".

Well, we can still guess of why the hell ppl would like to do PDA. If I were to have a girlfriend, I'll just go excited for the whole relationship period, telling around people "yo! I got a gf already man, and I want to show that I have a girlfriend already by communicating via fb so that everyone can read what I'm telling her!"

But then again, I guess, facebook is a tool for those who lack attention really much to get the attentions that they need. See, the "status" or "walls" or whatever, or even having a facebook account itself is already a means to tell people that someone's looking for attention. I mean if you really think abt it, what's the point of telling the whole world what you are thinking right now? what you are doing right now? giving birthday wishes that everyone would read? even the notification about A and B has just been into a relationship, etc. etc. The whole point is to let the whole world know that you need attention.
Therefore, since all of us own facebook accounts, we shall bear with a small part of this action of looking for attention: i.e. PDA.

We are still at fb, outside there couples are hugging, french kissing one another which is like so much worse form of PDA..
Probably as a social being, we can escape from being having need to get attentions and yes, I think the probability may be there: we doing the PDA after getting ourselves good girlfriend :p!

Aditzz said...

haha mike yea i agree with u. at a side, feeling eneg of PDA-ing can be attributed due to too long being jomblo. at another side, some couples/people just are just looking for attention lah. they just jadian n they want to 'share their love' to the world...

anyway, u gotta admit it. u are damn infatuated with seeking attention man.

parkjungah said...

kamu kok gitu sih say..haha..