Monday, August 27, 2007


: anak-anak FA Hendra

setiap malam terdengar suara
dari dalam kamar: sebuah doa
yang khusyuk barangkali puisi

setiap malam terdengar suara
dari luar kamar: seorang malaikat
yang ingin parkir di tubuhnya

19 Agustus 2007
Well, this is a poem created by one of my FA mate, Steven... Quite a nice one IMHO. I could get what he meant at the surface level. Simple, yet deep. The title can be freely translated as 'Ones Who Pray". But I shall not try to translate the whole poem as I may dilute the meaning behind the poem. However, at the surface level, it describes my FA project on mass night prayer at our own houses. Go Steve! This post is for you...

PS: Met ultah, Mam... (though I dont think she would open this blog, she even scared to turn on a computer!)


^^ MaHaRaNi ^^ said...

Found your bLog...

inda_ardani said...

right, this poem is beautiful. i love the last sentence ... pity we dunno the reason why does the angel want to stay on :)

The Lame One said...

@Rancu : I found urs first wad?!

@Inda : Oh well, I dont know as well... I got to ask the writer...