Political Engineering
Am I into engineering, business, or politics?
Wew... There are so much happening stuff happened past few days regarding Engin MC Election... But I dont bother to write down any of my thoughts so yeah, here goes the leftover... I found out that Amy allied with Zhaowei in contesting for the NUSSU Exco Representative.. That means that they both confirmed go in la... Such a strong alliance. Then, for the Management Committee, there are 22 people running for 20 positions. CRAZZYY or not!!! Come on lah, it's like how easy! Much easier than joining Bizcom leh!!!
Well, latest news from Lionel, Huimin (the goth girl) and Kenneth (guy with 3 first names) were axed. More or less expected. Their resume were not impressive and honestly, their faces CMI ones... So yeah, most likely Sara will be Engin Camp PD (sux!) and I would need to ask her to give me a position in her comm... Well, it may sound like a suicidal move but hey, this time I have removed one of my handicaps... I hope by then I have learned more Chinese.
And this is the ideal PINUS Exco according to Bulau. I set the conditions as follows: Bulau is the chairperson, the people being asked will step down from other commitments if appointed, and no politics involved. Haha, managed to ask her yesterday and well, she could fluently answer my question, showing that she is actually able to lead...
Chairperson : Laura like duh!
Vice Chairperson : Cindy damn unexpected leh!!
Secretary: Elis great choice Bul! she very strict n organized
Treasurer: Teddy she said Teddy has experiences in Bizcom
Business Manager: Djaja cheapo!!! but yeah, no contest larh
ACC Head: Danny dunno why she wants him here
Welfare Head: Dipta KR haha
Pub Head: Nonk another no contest
Sports Head: Ivan status quo vadis
and she created 2 new posts following Indonesian style..
Logistic Head: TLO SaiGangKing!!!
Pembantu Umum: Erwin hahahha, good one!
This actually shows that given no other commitment, PINUS is quite strong one! Honestly, I believe that PINUS can be a super efficient organization. But then again, when other commitments are factored in, quite a few of the above named people would not be able to commit... Oh well... Probably if there is no CCA point rule in NUS, then PINUS would be stronger.
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