Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Few Words of Wisdom

Life has been a little bit challenging for me for the past few days. See my previous posts if you can get hint on my life. Anyways, these are some things that have spoken for me to last these few days. Some are commonsensical, some are new for me, but I need to write them down for keepsake. I hope this can be useful in the future, not only for me, but for whoever happen to read this thing:

1. There is no need to scream or to cry when you can face it all with a smile.
2. Strategize, but consider all scenarios, no matter how stupid the scenario is. Stupidest scenario may be the one which occurs.
3. It all started with small thing, but when you know, you cant back off.
4. Just try. Even if you failed, you gain experience from it.
5. Life is a game where you cant save or load.

PS: I know no 5 is supposedly the other way round, but you can look at it that way.

PS2: I am fine. Trust me.

1 comment:

Aditzz said...

Point no. 5

A stupid me does dream....what if we can 'save' at a point in our life so that we can 'load' whenever we screw up.