Saturday, April 12, 2008

An Evening of Worship

A bunch of ang mohs (Singlish for Caucasians) came to Singapore a few days back. Their mission: to execute a two-night concert in the Singapore Expo. These bunch of ppl hail from the Land of Down Under and the Land Where The Sun Never Sets. I attended their concert and even dreamt of it just now.

The ticket for An Evening of Worship with planetshakers + Tim Hughes stated that 'ticket good till 715pm' but naturally, people (kiasuism indeed) had started to rush to the ticket-holders-only entrance door since 630pm. I was waiting for Joice to come with the tix with Grace and Allin (did I spell her name correctly?? i noe i did... i'm pr0skillz searching) when I witness this phenomenon.

The concert itself was not that havoc-ish, coz security measures were implanted quite tightly. Applause for the youthalpha for organizing such a grand event. The first song was the trademarked 'O Praise Him' by planetshakers and I think it was indeed a proper way to start it. It was further emphasized during second or third song, I dont remember. The worship leader said this '... you dont come to planetshakers concert. You come to church.... only Jesus' name to be worshipped...'. Now that's real something; not just an ordinary rockfest.

After more planetshakers moments, the other band (led by this Englishman called Tim Hughes) played. Well, it was slightly calmer than the atmosphere while planetshakers was playing. But hey, the style is like that as I know. First few songs were familiar to my ears but I did not know the exact lyrics were. Anyways, after the Here I am to Worship (which is very very very familiar to my ears) and a hymn (When I Survey The Wondrous Cross or so I think) there was an absoulte silence. Seriously ABSOLUTE silence whereby you can easily listen to the whirling of the fans in the Max Pavilion. Imagine that. There were easily thousands of young people there. But they were making no noise at all. Weird huh.

After a few moment of silence, the following lyrics were thrown up (not vommitted) by Tim Hughes 'You are the way, the truth and the light, we live by faith but not by sight for You...... (paused here)' and the 'riot' started again with the people replied 'we're living all for You...'. Before I knew it, it is the ultra-familiar: double-double-double-single drum routine. And that was supposedly the last song of the evening, but after the closing prayer, all the performers (as in both bands) came up on stage and played All Majesty in full throttle again, as if the concert has just started! After this song, well... back to the first O Praaaaaaaaaaise Himm..... again. Not wanting to be caught in traffic Joice suggested we should leave first. Well, we indeed leave.

I dont get it... I did not intend to write a review but I wrote it.... Anyways, some side notes here...

Note #1
One thing I noted was what Yanadi said is pretty much true. The drummer of planetshakers looked like he was enjoying himself too much for a worshipper. And that looked funny. I realized that he was trying to sing the songs while he was going full throttle with his drumming. Just try this yourself and you can notice that sooner or later your mouth movement would resemble a goldfish movement (you need more air you see...). And that was what making it funny. But other than that funny help-i-need-air thingy, he's good one.

Note #2
planetshakers played Jump Around that time. First name comes into my mind: Lee Shing Lam. This was the crazy guy who tried to make a cheer from this song! Everybody in the house of God, jump around! Hey hey! Jump around! Everybody in the house of of
God, jump around! Everybody.......

Note #3
It is always easier to go to concerts in small group. It is best to go with only 2 persons in your group. Other than it is easier to maneuver around, it's less trouble with the organizers. Though it was good enough, I got the second-row seat, thanks to some thick-skinness.


Aditzz said...

oh, I always tried to sing while Im drumming, esp. for the songs that I like :) hahaha...

anyway, si singlam tuh saingan gw buat ngedapetin YA kan?

The Lame One said...

he eh bener saingan BERATH!

Wai said...

Erm, I was on Earth last Saturday but I didn't feel the planet shake leh. How ar? ;)

The Lame One said...

i didnt say it was planet earth anyways....