Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's 2 April

First, Happy April Fool's Day to those who observe the day's custom. Too many things on my hand up to a point I only jacked bang maul, yan, bul and the prank was not that good honestly... Anyways, its 2 April...

If God never gives a challenge bigger than what I can bear, I must be damn pro already in His eyes... Sorry for the weird statement, for now I cant elaborate further... Previous post has drawn unexpected comment from various parties but no worry, I'm going to be fine, probably in a week time or so, and that prev post, I did not mean it to an exact someone (other than OSA).

Anyways, these few things kept me sane for the past two days by giving me good dose of entertainment. Enjoy (if you can) these Indon-related things.

A Banyumasan Poem
A Banyumasan Joke
TeamLo 6
TeamLo 7
TeamLo 8

PS: It is indeed better and easier to act jolly!

*edited 1815h*
Previous post was NOT a prank.


The Lame One said...

anyone else got pranked by me?

Aditzz said... it a prank? What post draws unexpected comments frm var. parties?

Christian denomination ah? (hm...tiba2 wa teringat teman OC CTW wa, dia pasti bilang ini denominonation...-_-")

BTW, abt christ. deno. So u believe that christian shud be ONE izzit? Not segregated liddat? If it is...I support u leh....