Saturday, April 26, 2008


Well, there is something that has been disturbing me for a few days. RK is an online role playing game which I am currently hooked to. You can just spend 5 minutes/day to do necessary things but you also can spend 18 hours/day to write your own story on the forum. Oh, speaking of which, I am running around in the game as Cycas. So if you bump into a crazy jester called Cycas, well it's about the same as meeting a crazy jester in your reall life titled The Lame One.

I should be studying now...
I should be studying now...
I should be studying now...
I should be studying now...
I should be studying now...
I should be studying now...
I should be studying now...

It is difficult to hypnotize myself. Tried to do it on my MSN pm but apparently doesnt work. Oh well, if you are an NUS student and you are reading this, remember, you are supossed to be studying right now.

PS: only valid at most 2 weeks from now.


The Lame One said...

and if you want to point out that i spelled 'supossed' instead of 'supposed' well... you really in need of good spanking! you NEED to study

William said...

yay!! go RK!! Go RK!!

Aditzz said...

Shouldn't it be 'a NUS student' instead of 'an NUS student'?

Oh well, I should study instead of reading this anyway :|

joker said...

No, correct liao, an NUS student.
hmmm, well, i shudnt be studying anyway, hahaha...i wish...