Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Post PINUS Production la.... It is a real blood-sweat-tears event (probably the first one...) figuratively and literally. Here's the one-liner aftermath for me from the PD: "Also to Mic yang dengan talent nya bikin props menjadi kelihatan nyata" Hmm... so I am just the prop boy eh? Well, prolly I can improve on it. But I hate (ok, unhappy) with the fact that my prop request was not 100% bloody done. Last minute saigang is enough to cover about 80% of the props but shit does happen (spillage @ RH, Dessy tripped, Jahat collapsed, dislocation, Thomasgate) oh well, next time (if there is any) I'd rather apply as log, rather than as VPD but in the end my job is only regarding log.

Speaking of which, my palm is as rough as sandpaper right now. Ok not literally la, just because I used the ultra-strong paint remover on my palm (been painting a lot these few days) my skin peeled and stuff. I dont know whether I should be happy or depressed regarding this. Well, to tell the truth I love the current state of my palm. It's like battlescar from winning a battle. Feels great you see... But the main challenge now is that it doesnt look nice. While to some extent many girls out there declare that outer appearance doesnt matter, IS IT FOR REAL? To be precise, does it not matter AT ALL? (why am I so concerned about this?)

"Aren’t you touched at all? Sweat, blood and tears, I have shed it all to show my devotion to you."
Is it your true view?


Aditzz said...

It is blood-sweat-tears literally huh....

Mike....IMO, sumtimes people dun appreciate what they got until it's gone...If you believe you have done a BIG job, an appreciation from urself is the BIGGEST credit :)

YuVeN said...

umm..i myself also still not sure wat different roles tat u have as a VPD, instead of log. ;)

anw, regardless of the position's name, Mike..u did GREAT!! :)

it's trully blood-sweat-tears shed for the production.
~Salute for Mike plus the log team! ^.^

The Lame One said...

noted thanks... wew... it is indeed hard for a piece of black paper to be noticed when it is dark around it....

The Lame One said...

by right i am supposed to oversee pub n log.