100th Post: Tribute To My Dad
Basically this post is my own way to pay respect to my dad, the wisest man I have ever personally known. Despite his SMP-only (Indonesian Junior High School) education, inside his mind, there are hell lot of brilliant thing running simultaneously. If I were to be in a battle of wits, and my opponent to be him, I would definitely surrender before the battle.
I have written this for quite some times ago. I have decided to put this as 100th post out of an impulse. Before this, I have completely forgotten about this piece of note I pasted on my wall, but after playing a little D2 just now, suddenly I am reminded of this. I would scan this piece of paper and paste it down here later. My dad has so far (hopefully capped at two) suffered from two heart attacks, and the following is written a month after the second one, whereby he complained that he had difficulties in breathing. When I decided to camp outside his room, I wrote this thing:
25 Des 2007
1.45 am, my dad is still alive
about 1/2 hr b4
Mike: God, plz do not take my dad
away yet, jangan panggil pulang
dl ya? at least kalo toh panggil
pulang, kasi aku menit where
dia sadar, sehat n get his mind
clear so that I can absorb his
wisdom wo for the last time. But
if I can have it my way, plz
dont call him home yet.
* silence *
sekitar 5 menit kemudian, aku
teringat Papi pernah bilang kurang
lebih gini, gak akan dipanggil dl.
Tuhan masih mau pake Papi & Mami
secara luar biasa. Aku jg inget
(next page)
Mami pernah cerita bhw "suamimu akan
mendukung pelayananmu". Ini sebuah
nubuatan n pasti akan digenapi toh?
Jadi pasti Papi gak akan mati sampe
ini terjadi.
God: Do you choose to believe?
Mike: I choose to believe but 4 safety
reason, shdnt I be here?
God: Do you choose to believe or to worry?
I'll take care of your dad.
Mike: Oh,fine,God! I choose to believe
but take care of my dad, yeah!?!
25 Des 2007, 1.0am
My dad is still alive, can hear his
snorts down there. Im gonna sleep and
let God take care of my dad.
What I have written above is closely following what I wrote that night. It actually summarizes my worry and my relief. I do hope those who read this post would treasure their time with their close ones (parents, family, friends...) as sometimes, you wouldnt know when your time with them ends.
PS: Haha... Nonk... 100th post liao?
wo(dashthru) artinya apa yah?
yea pro, 100th post..
gw dah ngira pasti bakalan keluar malam ini..
Yeah, treasure our family. Don't worry, i believe by this age, we would be already capable enough to set our priorities correctly.
Time is precious.
We wish all the best for everyone and their families.
wo(dashthru) a misspeling in the original transcript... just to keep the authenticity...
nong, ni de new entry zai na li?
jgn byk2 nong nulisnya, dibagi bbrp part aj. kl kepanjangan, org juga mls bacanya...
da wei, ni de xin (entry) zai na li?
(improve a little from adit's version)
Woh, one year anniversary liao? Many more years to come! Haha, I average around 100 posts a year too! =)
the 100th post!
the one that i've been waiting for.
yep yep.
treasure your own families because you might not know what happens in the next moment.
yes. We shd treasure everything we have now! :)
it is NOW that matters. never wait even for one more second later, since we totally dont know wat the nex second will be.
@wai: not yet a year... started at april 11th
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