Friday, March 28, 2008

Stepping Down

Hmm... 9 hours to step down from Bizcom Resources Manager... Time does fly a little bit too fast at the so called blistering pace. Lets see what's next... Where's my Bizcom shirt by the way?

*edited 1552h*

Came an hour too early for last MC meeting... Wew... Just a note.. Ironic isnt it? I believe quite a lot of people asked me help on getting CCA points but after all, I am the only one who is not getting the accomodation. Next time should follow the hunch... I've been worrying 40 pts not enough... Then... You see...

*edited 0244h next day*

Stepped down. In a way I'm glad one of my responsibility is off.. But a bit feeling weird. Seems like I dont want to let go of my post.

1 comment:

William said...

Good spirit.. ga kayak winong yg quitter.. But I felt I did the right thing to quit..

Accommodation kykny banyak yg ga dapat kan.. orang2 banyak yg pada pointny jg cuman 40. Apply waiting list aja dulu, ntar pasti diterima