Monday, March 24, 2008

What Maketh An Engineer

These cool words I read when I was working (as usual) in Foodgle. There was this exchange student (from UK I think, judging the spelling of some of the words, but forget from which uni) sitting right in front of me, facing the other way. And thus, I could read what was written on the back of his tee. Apparently he was wearing his faculty tee, coz these things were on it. Presenting to you, probably a mission statement of an engineer:

I take the vision that comes from dreams
and apply the magic of science and mathematics
adding the heritage of my profession
and my knowledge of nature's materials
to create a design

I organise the efforts and skills of my fellow workers
employing the capital of the thrifty
and the products of many industries
and together we work toward our goal
undaunted by hazards and obstacles

And when we have completed our task
all can see
that the dreams and plans have materialised
for the confort and welfare of all

I am an Engineer
I serve Mankind
by making dreams come true


William said...

jago lah engineers..

Aditzz said...

these many words...packed into a tee...and u can read them some more?

Quite a feat mike....truly :)