Thursday, November 8, 2007


Lately I have been an addict of basketball. Okay, I know that I am going nowhere with that, simply coz I am not that tall. But then the people I am playing with are not that tall either haha... So it doesnt really matter. Anyways, yesterday after the game I attempted a crazy stunt myself. You see on the court there are two 60-cm spaced electric pole. I was tempted to dribble past the two poles. Which I did. It was quite a successful one. I managed to dribble past the poles. Just that my flailing left arm accidentally banged twice against the poles. As a result, my left pinky finger was bent somehow. It was quite painful but I ignored it since I was 'high' on adrenaline. And the above mentioned finger is now on a cast (just a simple piece of wood I used to immobilize the finger).

Anyways, this incident aroused a thought on my brain. You see, pinky finger is the smallest finger. And we have 10 fingers for God's sake. However, that injured finger giving me quite a lot of trouble. One, the pain is there. Two, I can only type using 9 fingers now. Three, the cast is making the finger straight so if I flash a 'three' it looks like I flash a 'four'. So, this is what have been appeared on my brain: Never ever underestimate small things.

It is indeed true that over and over again in the history of the mankind, small things have been used to put heroes to shame. One simple example I can think of. David was a young guy when he was sent to the battlefield. He was there not to fight, he was just a temporary kopikia. Moreover, he was the youngest kiddo in the family of Jesse. But then holy cow, he was the same historical slayer! Another example. Peter was just a uneducated fisherman wasnt he? I have no doubt that he has ever studied on Jerusalem Theological University circa 0. And I myself doubt the existance of the above mentioned uni haha... Anyways, he was often described as idiotes (sounds familiar eh?) according to a Bible scholar I happen to know. However it is the same Peter who preached in front of the Sanhedrin (supposedly they were the top scholars at that time) and made them speechless.

You see, God can use anyone to do great things, no matter how small you think you are. Now, what do you consider as your innate weakness? Overcome it, dream high. Never ever let your weakness becomes an obstacle to your success. Well, as I have said earlier in the post, I am born short haha. I was the shortest in my class when I was still in my hometown. Subconsciously, I lost my confidence then. You see, if you are short, quite a lot of people ridicule you. I am still not that tall. But I have overcome the stupid mindset of 'small = lousy' now, haha... And oh, I am still the shortest guy in most of my classes now.

Friday, November 2, 2007

New 'Revelation'

Hmm... Today I read this book entitled 'Berhasil Karena Iman' (Success Caused by Faith) by Maqdalene W. Kawotjo. Erm, this book is an autobiography book which tells a lot about the importance of faith in someone's life. Anyways, what struck me is this thing on page 71. This following paragraph is talking about Matt 6:25, 31-33.

Banyak orang Kristen yang suka mencuplik ayat terakhir dari pasal di atas tanpa mengetahui konteks bacaan di ayat-ayat semelumnya. Mereka meng-claim Tuhan dengan gaya "otoritas" mereka untuk memenuhi semua keinginan mereka, termasuk mobil dan rumah mewah, suami yang tampan, istri yang cantik dan uang yang berlimpah. Itu tidak benar. Tuhan memang senang memberkati anak-anak-Nya yang berdoa menurut kehendak-Nya. Bacalah sekali lagi ayat-ayat di atas: apa yang hendak kamu makan atau minum, tubuhmu, apa yang hendak kamu pakai! Itu adalah kebutuhan pokok, kebutuhan utama. Tuhan tidak akan membiarkan kita kelaparan, kedinginan atau kehausah jika kita mencari kerajaan-Nya serta kebenarannya lebih dahulu, sebab semuanya itu (yaitu kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang sudah dijabarkan di ayat-ayat sebelumnya) akan ditambahkan kepada kita!

In English (self translated):
A lot of Christians like to quote the last verse from the above-mentioned chapter without knowing the context of the reading on the previous verses. They claim God with their "authority" to fulfil all their wants, including exquisite cars and houses, handsome husband, beautiful wife and everflowing money. That is not true. Well, God is glad to bless his children who pray according to his will. Please read the verses mentioned above one more time: what you would eat or drink, your body, what you would wear! That is our primary need, basic necessity. God would not let us starving, freezing or thirsty if we seek his kingdom and its righteousness, because all of those (that is, all the needs elaborated on the previous verses) would be added to us.

Well I have talked about the 'pray according to his will' part. I am interested on the added meaning of this verse. I have never thought before that the word 'all' may refer to all basic needs. Interesting. Oh well, I learned that from my experience. Truly God would never ever ever leave his children starving if they ask him for it. From writing this article, I also realized something. It is so tiring to quote from book hahahaha....

Thursday, November 1, 2007

New Month

Pardon my language, I am rushing before I have to return the Tecra to Asec. First of all, TLO officially welcomes these three people Bung Nugie, Gab n Lisa. Oh mann... Now this blog is almost fully publicized hahhaa... Not even reaching 80 posts yet.

Well.. Its November... At last, the exam month is here... And how far am I from being prepared for the exam? Zero percent. Hence, I declare this month as the Month of Ketchup (read aloud then you can see what I mean). This semester I have been quite busy with 3 stuff: CCA, play, work (in that order). And looking back to this semester (I've just read my prev posts) I am generally satisfied with what I've done although I have a little bit of regret in this few areas:

1. Should have not cram all the tutorials on Mondays! If I KO on Mondays that means I skip 2 tutorials. And the vicious cycle goes on and on. Miss tutorial - gap in my progress - dont understand - dont feel like attending next tutorial - miss tutorial.

2. I skipped few FA sessions. Three to be exact. Jess' Bdae, two weeks before that, n two weeks before today. This, I regret a lot. Coz if I skip FA, that would mean I skip the Sunday service. Oh I still come for they YRC Sat, but then yeah, no good skipping service eh?

3. I would not postpone doing lab report! Now I am paying the toll. I have 3 half-done lab reports stacking before me. Oh well, no escape! I have to do it quick.

Well given the chance to turn back the time, I would like to reverse these two things. But then no such thing as save - load mechanism in life. So yeah, got to move on. Try to to corrective steps. One of which, I am currently starting to vise (since 'revise' means studying again, so 'vise' should mean studying, isnt it?) my subjcts. I have started with Visualisation thingy last night. Well worth it I believe. Alright, today CT5 and unseen CT... Up to now I dont know what CT stands for. All I know is that CT is the comp lab session to design stuff.

PS: I temporarily leave the Facebook CS world. Just now I checked I am #61 hahahaha... Drop a lot of rank.
PS2: Note to self, Dank bdae 4 Nov. Dank if u read this, watch out! I am buying eggs soon.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Kula saged ngendhika ning Basa Jawi sekedhik kemawon, nanging kula seneng sanget, merginipun kula weruh setunggal kaca wonten Wikipedia ingkang ngeteraken kula menyang Wikipedia Abasa Jawi. Dinten niki kula maca kathah sanget bab wayang ingkang dipun serataken ngangge Basa Jawi! Mangga mriksani kaca Wikipedia Jawi. Kula bungah sanget amargi kula taksih saged nyerat ngangge Basa Jawi, hahahhaa.....

Secret, Law of Attraction, and Faith

Okay, so I was trying to study 2 days ago... Exam's approaching you see... However, there was this little commotions in the TV room of the R2 which made me more or less interested. Inside that room I saw 3 familiar figures (erm... 4 actually, if you count that irritating OV from SAVE) Lisa, Gaby, n Asec. I asked these three fella what they were doing in the dark with the seemingly uninteresting TV program running on the screen. They were telling me that they were watching The Secret. Confounded a little bit, I joined them in watching. Well, apparently it is very interesting. The 'movie' is talking about The Law of Attraction. Somehow I found the law very familiar and thus I shall do a freelance-biased analysis down here.

The Law of Attraction generally states that "experience physical and mental manifestations that correspond to their predominant thoughts, feelings, words, and actions and that people therefore have direct control over reality and their lives through thought alone". This definition I took from Wikipedia. The Secret put it through an example, it would be this way: You want a bicycle. The 'Universe' would adjust accordingly such that you would get the bicycle (correct me if I am wrong here).

The show goes on and on and on showing n explaining about the law. And at one moment of time it was mentioned about the 3 steps of getting what you want. Ask, answer, receive. Please read articles regarding these three steps if you are interested coz I myself not too familiar with the law. However, I found that all along the law of attraction has always been there. It is what I called FAITH.

Oh well, 'ask' part of the law states that if we want something, we have to really clear and exact about what we want. Back to my bicycle example, it would be 'a red coloured BMX bike, light enough so that I would easily ollie with it, it would have suspension set on hard, etc etc". Now this is one of the Biblical teaching of 'ask and it shall be given onto you' isnt it? Our God is the specific God as I remember Ko Omar, my youth pastor said. As long as it is in accordance to God's will, anything we ask it is given to us. However, we need to be specific in our request. Say I want a bike. Of course He wouldnt mind giving me one. But just what kind of bike I want. Though God is omniscience, He wants the kids to say what they want. So yeah, as I said.. Isnt it FAITH?

Third part 'receive'... Once you have asked for something, go on and act as if you have received that thing. For example, my above-mentioned bike. Once I say I want the bike, everyday I would picture myself having the bike. I would start to buy the bike chain, helmet etc. And as a result (according to the law) the universe will somehow works out to give me the bike. Oh well, it IS how it works, just that it is not the universe that is the superior being. It is God who would grant us anything as long as we seek Him and His righteousness. Isnt it stated in the Bible? But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (please refer to Mat 6:33). Rev David Yonggi Cho (prev Paul Yonggi Cho) hs written this matter regarding visualisation in one of his books. I forgot which one, but I think it is the book titled 'The Fourth Dimension'.

Well right now I am asking for something in my life. I would try to stick to my own (or rather the Bible) version of Law of Attraction, "ask, seek, knock" (refer to Mat 7:7). Well, in the mean time, I would keep visualizing what I want. Fun isnt it?

Friday, October 26, 2007

CS Addict

Okay, now I have the time to write (at last). Actually I have had some spare time last week and last last week... Just that I am addicted to this CS game on facebook. It started with those people (only remember edwin n nonk though) started playing it. Here's the rule of the game. You are given a character who start as a recruit. You have a gun n 5000. Then you have to kill other players to get money (can be your friend can be random). Interestingly, on the first night I played, I managed to find the bug which enable a player to multi-frag (aka kill a player many times). Then the rest of the guys start to do that as well. To cut the story short, I joined this uber pro CS facebook clan called the Counter Strike Elite. Imagine, top 3 players are from this clan and in the top 100, there are 35 of us. Oh, just for your information, there are 20000 users play daily worldwide and I am #35 by press time. You see how addicted I am...

Well, exam is coming real soon. Probably in the next month I would be busy with school stuff. Today the last Bizcom project I would attend this semester is over. The Project Glam (megasale event) has not been as crazy as the Vanity Fair (whereby the queue reached the bus stop of the central forum) but overall the turnout is quite nice. Anyways, Citra got herself 5 bags and 1 pair of shoes. WHAT THE HELL?!!?!?!?! This kind of people is what NUSSU needed hahahaha.... Still talking about Bizcom, another log incident happened again yesterday... One of the Bizcom projects, the NUStyle has been banned from all usage of NUSSU facilities by Dir of Log, due to failure in clearing the space after usage. Oh well no comment on that... Just hope everything would be better.

Sebenernya ada sih, cuman males gw tulis pake inggris. Ntar takutnya si kepala gudang gendheng itu tau alamat blog ini. Tar gw dibantai ama dia. !#$%^&*&^%$ tuh orang... Nggak bisa apa dia kurangin keprajuritannya dikit? Ini senat bung, bukan tni! Nggak cukup pake acara cabut-cabutan hak, dia pake nyolotin si hantu (baca pake hokkien) segala. Kan critanya kita mau tau siapa yang taruh makanan sembarangan, eh malah nantang balik kalo misalnya anak komite bisnis, berani apa nggak kita dicabut semua haknya? Goblok apa sinting sih? Sadis bener. Kita mau tau lah siapa yang bikin ribut. Lho kalo gitu misalnya gw mau kerjain si humas gampang donk? Tinggal taruh makanan di meja mereka... Tapi kalo dipikir-pikir, bisa aja si kepala gudang brengsek itu yang naruh makanan di meja gw, spy bisa hukum. Wow... skenario baru. Mungkin sih... Masalahnya berani gak si hantu mau usut. Tapi kaya gitu juga ngga bisa. Soalnya si kepala gudang itu dari humas. Sedeng sedeng.. Tapi itu yang motivasi gw taun depan mati matian pengen jadi kepala gudang. Motivasi: balas dendam. Pokoknya kalo gw jadi kepala gudang, giliran humas yang menderita! Nggak ding canda. Tapi yang pasti gw bakal bikin komite gw tenang. N nggak ada yang namanya tentara-tentaraan lagi. Tambah lagi tadi si Jaja cerita tentang brengseknya si kepala gudang sialan itu. Beneran deh dia nggak pernah dihajar massal ya?

And having said that, I might continue to take Chinese 2. Maybe only cos my Chinese (judging from Chinese 1) not that strong especially conversation-wise. Sometimes I the heck not knowing what the laoshi (Chi: teacher) is saying. I enjoy my tuorial class n lecture group a lot, especially I got a lot of crazy thing to do there. Would I get an A for LAC1201? Dunno, for my midterms I scored 49.5/50 and 8.5/10 however it doesnt guarantee anything (or whatever) coz the standard is very high. I know 5 ppl who score 50/50 for the first midterm!!! Maybe 50 is the average mark and since the grading is based on the Bell's Curve, I am afraid the curve shifted to the right by a lot... Still... I'm praying for my first solid A in NUS.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Yet Another Inactivity

Whoa... 11 days of no posts eh... I myself wonder what have I done on those 11 days. Sometimes it is amazing how fast time flies. Honestly when I was much younger, I think time passed relatively slower. Ok, so I have this agenda (courtesy of NUSSU Welfare diary) on my bag, which supposedly lists what I have done and what I am supposed to do. These are what is on my agenda (exactly as how I put it, in <> are my comments):

1 Oct

2 Oct

3 Oct n 4 Oct

5 Oct
7 ENG --> CHI
7 CHI --> ENG
HAPPY TREE 12pm lunch

6 Oct

| YRC 5-?

7 Oct

8 Oct
<------------- 2113 MoM Quiz ----------->

9 Oct
6.30 NVAC MC meeting

10 Oct
do PROG !
| 2-3.30? |
| OL Quiz |
| 4 Dennis - dungeon |
Belajar CT / Unseen how to do circ, linear, mirror
Chi char!


Oh well, I think I am quite a busy person haha. Today 2pm - 5pm I am going to have this unseen CT tutorial! Scary mannnn.... According to Edwin n Dick, 30 minutes given is not enough to complete the task. I have seen one of the unseen question yesterday. Interestingly, it was easy (as I saw it) but that if you know how SolidWorks works (err...). I think today morning I'm going to do a bit of warm ups before the actual lab period. Try out stuff etc.

On the side note, I got myself two new job. Basically there was this Engin Club recruitment drive and as I have promised Terence, I join his SP (Special Project) committee. I have to do some works on December hols. But then no effect on my going back home, coz Cyberia is confirmed around 17-19 Dec, so I go home 20 onwards la! Guess wad area I am going to specialize? Log again haha...

Second job I juz receive is log member of the PINUS Production. As I said to Tony, I believe that one I am born in Indonesia, that is where my root. Despite my being busy in other areas, I am determined to join this production (somewhere in Feb, but prep work on December). So, yesterday my mind flooded with crazy ideas and thus I maddenedly apply for VPD (despite there is no post such that). Interestingly Tito backed me up! Holy cow, now THAT is something hahahaha.... If I am really accepted, that means the beginning of the Operation No Tired Out (actually it comes from 'Jangan Lelah' haha) whereby a huge float, a candi structure of 1m x 1m x 2m is going to be build, Rag Day style (since no money mah)... So yeah, possibly I am going to be busy this holiday (have fun wad?).

The question remains: Should I book the ticket ~20Dec - ~10 Jan from now?

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mid-Term Break!!!

Holiday is over. The one week break has been fun. Not that fruitful but I managed to take some break from my normal activities. These are what I have done during the one week break:

- Engin Club Appreciation Dinner, possibly last time I have anything to do with Mythogenia

- Cleaning up of Bizcom Table, took me 2 days to do it

- Packing and arranging NUSSU Sect, codenamed Operation Big Sweep

- First-time ever attending Paikia outing: The Big Gang Fight organized by Ah Fei

- Sentosa scouting with Citra for her ICY outing, deepest condolences for her successful programs

- First-time ever playing basketball with PGP Indon guys (and a girl, Gaby), discloc my shoulder on the process

- Standing Comm - Exco Meeting

- Shuying's SAVE viewed Wheel of Fortune, getting to know there is an internal revolution in SAVE

- Exco Chalet

- Passing advance test for NUSSU Jaga

- Catching up with Sensors and Actuators module

Yet another day of jaga-ing (Mal: security guard) at NUSSU Sec. People ask me why I need to stay overnight here. No point guarding the NUSSU Sec right? Not everyone (only the Management Committee of Standing Committees) are allowed to come here. And only selected people have the pass to enter. Well, I also dunno how to answer. It is just very comfortable here. I have 'my own' desk complete with a computer (which I am using now), aircon and privacy.

Officially I am a NUSSU jaga since yesterday. I passed the advanced test of becoming a NUSSU jaga. Okay, 'NUSSU jaga' is an unofficial title held by a person who stayed a lot in NUSSU Sect. Originally it was held by Nimales, NVAC boss 2 years ago. The name was coined by Jeremiah who held the title since Nimales time till now. So, having passed the criteria of becoming NUSSU jaga, I was given a test on the advanced level. Problem: How to enter NUSSU Sect without matric card, without tools, without help from anyone? Well, there is a way which (I think) only the NUSSU jagas know. I passed the test n Jeremiah gave me a handshake. Whee... Means I've got myself a new room! Hahhaha...

Anyways, I think I am going to make the blog public by the time I'm reaching my 100th post. Well, this is going to be my 73th post. I do not expect this blog to stay that long considering when I started I dont have any computers. I always borrowed Nonk's laptop then. And now, I consider myself having 2 computers haha.... One in Bizcom table and one at CBLC section of Central Library.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Well, I did it again... I discloc my shoulder (see my previous post) This time, I was playing basketball with my crazy dudes (well, n one girl, Gaby)... We played two rounds and on the second round there was this time that Vinz n me were contesting for a high flying pass. Obviously, body contact is inevitable and sadly our my right hand was caught by his swatting hand n yeah, I could feel the slight pain (but very sharp) on my shoulder n I could hear a *cluck* from my right shoulder. It was not really painful but the feeling was disturbing. Imagine your right arm dangling... Funny feeling isnt it?? Amazingly I could 'fix' the dangling arm on my own by pressing my elbow sharply.

Oh well, from that incident I have learned something. One, do not attempt something funny with your already injured body part. Two, I learnt why there are hardships in the world. To elaborate the second point, let me start a new paragraph hahha...

Many people complain why God makes a human undergoes some trials / tribulations in his life. I believe that it is a part and parcel of living, similar to exam is part and parcel to schooling. Well, at school you will learn the material systematically ie, you start with lower level first then moving on to the higher level at a STIPULATED PACE. God on the other hands, would not set a pace, instead, He would keep giving us problems till we understand and pass the life-exam. And similar to how the second time I disloc my shoulder brought me less pain than the first one, the first time God gives exam it would be uber painful. However, to those who is getting the first exam right now, do not worry if you dont pass this time round, the second time and subsequent times, the exam would not be as hard. Do not be disheartened, instead "... Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9)

I have read similar a similiar stuff from GFresh! (just now i tried to search it online but resulted in nothing) magazine. In an illustrated story (Groovy Friends), the main character Getto has lost his temper many times. He then complains why such a weird character of his. However, his close friend (whose name I forget, Chris or something) explains that it is better for him to face it now than in future when he is married... Well, I think that article also mentioned something about God waiting till we pass our life exams. So yeah, I might not be ready for my life-exams, but bring it on! Make me tougher!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Personal Goal

At last, some private time for my blogging. I have been 3 days never use laptop under privacy (NUSSU EXCO BBQ, then stay overnight @ NUSSU Sect) such that I dont feel like blogging. My last post was at Citra's room (makasi pinjemannya) and I did not feel comfortable enough to write there. Anyways, within these few days, I suddenly thought of writing down my personal goal as in wad I want to reach during this uni life. Here's what I've been thinking of:

1. Academic

CAP of 4.00 (Second Upper). Sounds very farfetched, considering my current CAP, which is not even 3.00 yet. But since my father place a 3.80 target for me, I dont care, I got to beat that! I think 4.00 should be reasonable enough (other than that means I have to start getting A/A-). Honestly, while I'm writing this right now, I feel a bit intimidated but yeah, why not try?! Even if I fall short in the future, I would at least still get my Second Lower no?

Straight A for TR modules. Why not? I had one A- already and I think I am really interested on this module. I believe that I should be aiming high for something I like a lot. 1 down means 4 to go. By God's grace I would be able to make it. Hahaha...

2. CCA

I would like to see first Indonesian name to be etched on NUSSU Exco board when I am still studying here. Of course I would like to hope that it would be my name, but I dont mind other names as well. I would like to put my name down as one of the 'legends' in NUSSU, especially among the Indonesians. Oh well, I have started it now, but will I be able to finish it? Currently doing saikang for Bizcom and NVAC, maybe people would regard me as a shoo-in G4 for next year. But in politics, anything can happen, right?

My other crazy ambition is to beat Jeremiah flat in terms of doing logistic here. That would be even harder to do. Other than I have to be G4, I have to be S4 for 5 major projects and 2 major standing comms. However, I would like to do it differently. Instead of S4 for 5 different major projects, I want to have 5 different positions. Why? Experience! I have started it by logging for Oweek and jaga for Matric Fair. Maybe I'd go for prog of Union Camp and something else for FIC this year.

3. Personal

By the time I graduate from uni, I would be 22 years old already. I MUST (with capital letters) be matured! Of course the process would start from now... Now THAT is hard... Many people perceive me as the crazy kid in camps. However, one way or another I would make them see my serious side.

I might consider to be attached. Seriously! Erm, currently I might not have any possible candidates (partially due to my commitment) but I think I have to find one by then for two reasons. One, my 'oath' to my living grandma. Two, shrinking pool after graduation.

Growing in terms of faith. I dunno, I always perceive myself as unstable during the last two years. Maybe my graph has plateued off. However, I do believe as there is nothing as plateu off in healthy relationship with God. So yeah, I would want to grow as much as possible. The heaven is the limit.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


TLO says hi to Yuven, Cassie n Dipta who know about the existence of this bloody lame blog... You are the most welcome to comment... Well, lets say there are more people start reading this blog. Well well, not expecting that actually coz this blog initially supposed to be a private one, but now it is semi-public considering there are 2 ppl link to this blog. Hahaha.... Updates later, I have a quite interesting thought but no time to type. This is regarding my involvement in 4 standing committees and personal target.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Log Guy

You know that you are THE logistic guy of NUSSU when:
1. You are rejuvenated when you hear the word saikang.
2. You know by heart where is the exact location of each standing committee's shelves in the dungeon.
3. You know who Mr. Tay from OSA is and you have his contact number.
4. You are used to drive the blue NUSSU van.
5. You can skate using NUSSU trolleys.
6. You are trying so hard to form your own CLC (Central Logistic Committee)
7. You are recognized by Jeremiah and Jun Jie as the logistic guy.
8. You know the license plate number of NUSSU van.
9. You are familiar with the name Nam Hup.
10. You have a personal stock of duct tape, masking tape, clear tape, double tape etc etc...
11. You have a personal toolbox that you left in NUSSU Sect for convenience sake.
12. You know that some of your stuff are borrowed by Exco and they never return it to you.
13. You cut paper using cutting your pliers just because you dont have any scissors.
14. You have three cutters, one for paper, one for wires and the third one for heavy duty.
15. You bring gloves anywhere in case anyone need help carrying partition.
16. You know the best way to carry panels to the OSA dungeon.
17. You always apply for (asst) logistic head and your friends always respond "AGAIN?!?!"
18. You know the 3S of logistic.
19. You have slept in the NUSSU Sect for a total of more than 10 nights.
20. You just cant stand other people carry the tables too slowly.
21. You know who hold the record of carrying the most number of Matric Pack at one go.
22. You have memorized the rows and columns of the booking equipment/van/room.
23. You have more than 5 black Attitude tee because you need changes when you saikang.
24. You keep personal toiletries on your standing comm's desk.
25. You stay awake in central forum for 3 consecutive nights to jaga your bazaar.

Disclaimer: I havent fulfil all the 25 points. Those 25 points are just my freak imagination lah... Relax leh, I not that crazy yet...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Break Free

And this is the theme song of Bible Camp 2007 Undignified : Bold and Unashamed

Hillsong United - Break Free

Would you believe me, would you listen if I told you that
There is a love that makes a way and never holds you back?

So won't you break free, won't you break free
Get up and dance in his love
So won't you break free, won't you break free
Get up and dance in His love

Who would have thought that God would give His one and only Son
Taking a stand up on the cross to show his perfect love?

So won't you break free, won't you break free
Get up and dance in his love
Won't you break free, won't you break free
Get up and dance in His love

His love never ending

There's no escaping the truth
There's no mistaking it's You
God forever we'll
Get up and dance, get up and dance, and praise You
There's no escaping your life
There's no mistaking your love
Across the world we will
Get up and dance, get up and dance and praise You

Now is the time to take His grace and that has come our way
Offer our lives to see the glory of His name

And now for all our days
We are holding on, holding on to
All Your ways
We are holding on, holding on to
All you say and You've done
And we are holding on to Your love
Now we will dance

So won't you break free, won't you break free
Get up and dance
Won't you break free
So won't you break free, won't you break free
Get up and dance
So won't you break free
Won't you break free, won't you break free
Get up and dance
Won't you break free
Won't you break free, Won't you break free
Get up and dance in His love
His love never ending


Humm humm... At last some free time (not that free la) to put my thought here... Wheee... Great... Let me start by clarifying my last post... Yeah, the stuff I have been doing has started to take its toll on me. Today I self declared holiday! Oh well, I have managed to reschedule my lab to tomorrow so yeah good enough... I dont lose that much, other than I have to catch up with 2103 and 2134... Well, maybe later when I work.

Been 2 days staying as jaga at central forum for NUStyle... Probably today I wont stay back again, but tomorrow sure jaga one. The first day I stayed was not fun at all... Ted pangseh me... Slept damn early, woke up damn late... Haha... As S4 put it, Ted is the sleeping buddha... Oh well, today he better lah, could stay and do a lot of things till 4++ before going home... Sorry this time I the one pangseh you haha... Played this online game (elan or something) which looks like RO in the bazaar spot. Today morning (7am) suddenly there was a huge wind till all the banners and standees fell over. It was HUGE with capital letters. Serious. Only chee guan and me were there and we could not really withstand the wind. Hence we left the singtel laying on the ground like that. Couldnt lift up due to the mighty wind.

Speaking of wind... I just came back from the Bible Camp -> Undignified : Bold and Unashamed. Wheee..... This time (after so many Bible Camps) I am part of the organizer (panitia, euy...) though the slack one. As usual, I am grabbing the log position. Apparently, log is superslack! The sound system is handled by the sound team and the games log is handled by the program ppl... So what I am left with is just the food saikang and the security. Oh well, I realized that my style of logging has been influenced by jeremiah... First thing I did when I reached Island resort was to cordone off a 'footwearless' zone haha...

And I havent mentioned the 'wind' yet correct? God IS awesome. The PnW session was ultimate!!! Really, everyone was really unashamed to do many things for God during the sessions! Running around, jumping like mad, shouting, starting another song while the worship leader was taking a breather, doing the J-E-S-U-S cheer, whatever it takes for God! People out there may accuse us of being superficial or following our flesh desire. But NO!!! This accusation (as it already stands for a long time...) has proven invalid for me. Was David not jumping around like mad when God's presence entered Jerusalem? Why is his name is still in the Bible if the accusation is true? Anyways yeah, I'll cut that for later...

During one of the session, we were asked to ask something from God. Anything that He put in our heart. Oh well, the past week God has whispered something HUGE for me. I shall not disclose it here for now. Maybe few weeks from now... And that is the thing I asked from Him during that session. I have been long time no see God in personal way but that time, He touched (or rather whacked) me up to a point that I could not do anything but lay down and cried there. The pastor spoke personally to me to forgive someone. So yeah, after I regained the control of myself I looked for Kenny. Oh yeah, I need to apologize to her as well coz I took some of her cablak comments too personally... And after I did that, we just broke and cried in front of The Lord. Friendship restored!!! I dont think anyone realized that I had this thing against Kenny because it looked perfectly fine, but now... It is good.

Then another thing that I was spoken to is that God will use my FA (cell group, or whatever the name you know) uber mightily. I have been in the same FA for 6 years ++ and I have seen many people come and go. But these are the people who are making impacts to their new environment. I know that Roy (one of the previous FA members has lead his own FA in SF (or whichever part of USA) then Maya has already opened up her YRC Sat FA, Andreas has served in NUS ministry, Lou has followed up few people to YRC Sun FA... Many of the FA members has opened up prayer groups in the boarding schools and many other (including Toni, the youngest member) have served in many fields of ministries... Oh well, I have started to see it now. And one thing that struck me damn hard is that when Ko Hendra (the FA leader) spoke about the current 20 members and THIRTY-FOLD. Holy cow!!! I can only say amen to it now!!! Imagine 600 people! I believe God can do that and when he did that I would be screaming like mad! The FA started from 5 members and now it has grown to the largest FA in BCS youth (if you includes the 'branches' laa) and God promised to expand it even further. I just get excited la!

On the lighter note, my group had a clean sweep! Yay! By the way, I am still in the refuse-to-believe-that-we-lose-the-best-group-title mode. Tarsus won best cheer (what to say? We Say Hello + Fly Kite + Whoosh + We Say Goodbye + dozen of 1.5L empty bottles), best actor (from our sister group Neapolis) and best actress (solid performance!). Oh well, we are not in top 3 of the best group category but as I said... I saw some of the score sheets and we are like the top group in those 3 sheets so yeah, I believe there are some sharing policy haha...


This busyness has taken its toll on me... And the blog... Long time no write. My mind is no longer flying anywhere... Sad case...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Political Engineering

Am I into engineering, business, or politics?

Wew... There are so much happening stuff happened past few days regarding Engin MC Election... But I dont bother to write down any of my thoughts so yeah, here goes the leftover... I found out that Amy allied with Zhaowei in contesting for the NUSSU Exco Representative.. That means that they both confirmed go in la... Such a strong alliance. Then, for the Management Committee, there are 22 people running for 20 positions. CRAZZYY or not!!! Come on lah, it's like how easy! Much easier than joining Bizcom leh!!!

Well, latest news from Lionel, Huimin (the goth girl) and Kenneth (guy with 3 first names) were axed. More or less expected. Their resume were not impressive and honestly, their faces CMI ones... So yeah, most likely Sara will be Engin Camp PD (sux!) and I would need to ask her to give me a position in her comm... Well, it may sound like a suicidal move but hey, this time I have removed one of my handicaps... I hope by then I have learned more Chinese.

And this is the ideal PINUS Exco according to Bulau. I set the conditions as follows: Bulau is the chairperson, the people being asked will step down from other commitments if appointed, and no politics involved. Haha, managed to ask her yesterday and well, she could fluently answer my question, showing that she is actually able to lead...

Chairperson : Laura like duh!
Vice Chairperson : Cindy damn unexpected leh!!
Secretary: Elis great choice Bul! she very strict n organized
Treasurer: Teddy she said Teddy has experiences in Bizcom
Business Manager: Djaja cheapo!!! but yeah, no contest larh
ACC Head: Danny dunno why she wants him here
Welfare Head: Dipta KR haha
Pub Head: Nonk another no contest
Sports Head: Ivan status quo vadis

and she created 2 new posts following Indonesian style..
Logistic Head: TLO SaiGangKing!!!
Pembantu Umum: Erwin hahahha, good one!

This actually shows that given no other commitment, PINUS is quite strong one! Honestly, I believe that PINUS can be a super efficient organization. But then again, when other commitments are factored in, quite a few of the above named people would not be able to commit... Oh well... Probably if there is no CCA point rule in NUS, then PINUS would be stronger.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Many things past through my brain today... I wonder why most of those related to politics. Am I into politics now???


I found out that from FASS, the two candidates of NUSSU Exco are Jasmine (Bizcom) and Shawn (PRU). Hmm.. That makes it more fun! So far, those MOST LIKELY to be Exco next year would be

Engin: Zhaowei (Neutral), Amy (Bizcom)
FASS: Jasmine (Bizcom), Shawn (PRU)
SDE: Donald (Bizcom), Michelle (Bizcom)
Sci: Caine (CBLC), Jeremiah (PRU/NVAC)
Comp: Scott (Bizcom), ???
PA: Herman (Bizcom), Junjie (Bizcom)
CAC: Jiancheng (Bizcom), ???

Hmm... Quite a good one... Considering Engin (the stronghold of PRU) has been taken over somehow... But they still have the Sports Club!!! And they have taken one seat from FASS, and a total of 3 seats (improvement from last year 1 seat)... Oh well.... For the benefit of those who are not from NUS, imagine NUSSU as a big country holding a general election. Engin, FASS, etc etc are the contested seats while Bizcom, PRU, etc etc are the contesting parties. NUS fun huh? With all its politics hahaha...


Speaking of which... I predict that the key to next year PINUS (Perhimpunan Indonesia NUS) general election would be Laura (aka Bulau). This is based on these three observations:
1. Bul was the PD of Kulinus (major event of PINUS) and it was a blast!
2. Bul has the strong 'sidekicks' (Bim, Cin, TLO, Ismy)
3. Bul has generally received well by the top Excos

I bet if she runs as the chairperson (oh well, she is as short as a chair, JK!) she would definitely win. But she told me that she is not that interested to be a chairperson. So there! Her support becomes invaluable. Like when Indonesia had its general election. Why else SBY chose JK other than because he wanted JK pool of supporters from East Indo and Golkar... Similarly, Bulau has quite a wide support. If someone wants to be chairperson of PINUS, he must grab Bulau's support. So yeah, I can think of 3 people who might try to be chairperson next year. Here's the analysis!

1. Danny
Running last year as well. Due to lack of preparation and experience, soundly defeated by more prepared Maulana. Slacker style. Have a big dream about PINUS, coming from arts background. This year Arts and Culture Division Head. Possible VC: Laura.

2. Dipta
Probably running as his nationalism spirit is quite high. Strong candidate on his own. Pretty onst. Coming from hall background. Has his own pool of supporters. This year has been active in PINUS FC and Kulinite. However, he is not that ambitious according to Bulau. Possible VC: Yuven.

3. Ivan
Pioneer cum captain of PINUS FC. This year Sports Division Head. Name mentioned here because of Teddy's idea. Probably not running as chairperson according to TLO's analysis coz he would be busy in his work and PINUS FC. Possible VC: Laura.

4. Eve
Ambitious at times. So might run as chairperson. Who knows? Judging from her grip on Kulinite talkshow this year, she might want to go up next year. Authoritative and plan-based. These two characteristics serve as strength and weakness. She would tie up with those who is strong and who thinks along the same way as her. So, possible VC: Henry.

5. Henry
Teddy thinks it's the other way round... So here it is! Yay! Let's see... Possible VC: Eve.


And the next thing I need to jot down here is the Engin Club Election yay! I am not running! I dunno, I was thinking that I could win the election this year. Not that I have a lot of support, but I think that I am quite famous in the sense that I am here, there, everywhere. However, my not running this year would be my way of punishing myself from my failure in Oweek. Some more I havent finished learning my Chinese 1 module. I bet if I run (and most likely accepted) history would repeat itself... From this year Oweek Comm, TsinLi, Edi and Yman are running. I bet they are those shoo in candidates. They are like everywhere too...


Disclaimer: The content of this post is influenced to some extent by Teddy, the guy whom I regard as my senior in NUSSU. Other than that, most analysis comes from TLO. However, I dont want to be sued due to my post!

Monday, August 27, 2007


: anak-anak FA Hendra

setiap malam terdengar suara
dari dalam kamar: sebuah doa
yang khusyuk barangkali puisi

setiap malam terdengar suara
dari luar kamar: seorang malaikat
yang ingin parkir di tubuhnya

19 Agustus 2007
Well, this is a poem created by one of my FA mate, Steven... Quite a nice one IMHO. I could get what he meant at the surface level. Simple, yet deep. The title can be freely translated as 'Ones Who Pray". But I shall not try to translate the whole poem as I may dilute the meaning behind the poem. However, at the surface level, it describes my FA project on mass night prayer at our own houses. Go Steve! This post is for you...

PS: Met ultah, Mam... (though I dont think she would open this blog, she even scared to turn on a computer!)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Alternative Avenue

Oh well... I thought I have found an alternative venue to channel my lamistry but apparently I was wrong haha. The moderators of TLG Forum apparently consider my posts as spam. Partially true... Hahahha... Oh well... Never mind. I always have this blog (supposedly private) if I want to ramble about. 2 fella have already told me that my language a little bit incomprehensible. One is my bro, the other one is sate. This is how I thought so yeah, like that lorh. While I would like to share many thoughts, this blog may not be exactly the best way to do that. As I mentioned way much earlier, this is where I pen (or 'type') my thoughts before they are gone with the winds...

Bizcom interviews have just passed. The standard of those being interviewed I think not so bad. I am particularly excited to find that one guy has a brilliant idea on how to market cute bikinis in Alaska. He said that he would design a transparent sweater to go with it... Cool huh? Of course there are many many ppl (sorry) from Viet n PRC whom I just could not understand. I found it okay. Most likely it's just their inability to express themselves in English. I do believe many of these people will improve. But the thing which I found disappointing is that none of the Indo candidates is good enough to make it to Bizcom... @$%(*&^% laaa.... Their standard is not that bad, true. Edwin had managed to get 2.5 millions rupiah sponsorship from Panin Bank, which is like A LOT OF MONEY back there. Then Gaby did extensive research on Bizcom... Dessy is just 15 but braved herself to do that interview... But then again, the classic problem kicked in! Language! I think Gaby did well, just that she got outshined by a local who was interviewed together with her. Oh well, I just hope that couple of those ppl can join Bizcom... For their own good haha...

LAC1201, Chinese 1 module that I take this sem has been quite interesting. However, I found it quite hard to understand n follow. 4 crazy tones! Still cant d/dx tone no 2 n tone no 3 whee... Maybe it's just that I am not accustomed to it. But just make me a bit worry la... Few ppl apparently know more than me alr. Aiyah, nevermind la... Healthy challenge for me! THENNN... I was told that we were to make a blog as part of the assignment... Errr.... Can I submit this blog? Hahaha...

Life is GOOD!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sem 1 AY 2007/2008

Im taking 4 modules this sem....
BIZ 2201 Logistic and Marketing
CBL 1102 Welfare in Computing
NVA 1001 Charity Fiesta
IRC 2151 PINUS Welfare

Kidding! Oh well... Being Mech Eng guy has not been fun to me. Quite some challenging new concept. Especially the two 'deep' subjects, Fluid Mech n Mech of Material... There are kind of 'gap' between the level 1000 mods to these two mods. Hmm... A challenge is there to be overcome, no? Currently in CBLC, probably going to be my next home... And they told me 'This system is shutting down....' blah blah... So yeah, must log off before kena kicked.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Undergrads yay!

Well, another silly things I came up with those two guys... Inspiration from the "How many JC students needed to replace a lightbulb" thingy.


How many Med undergrads needed to replace a lightbulb?
None. They still can use their torchlight to read the 8365-page thick textbooks at night. Study more important you see...

How many Dentistry undergrads needed to replace a lightbulb?
None. The dentist operation table has more than 10 lightbulbs.

How many Arts undergrads needed to replace a lightbulb?
One guy + all the girls. The guy (if any) would replace the lightbulb while the girls do the A-R-T-S cheer.

How many Engin undergrads needed to replace a lightbulb?
One guy + 3 courses. They need the EE ppl to design the circuit, ISE ppl to supervise the production of the new lightbulb, EVE ppl to ensure the lightbulb is biodegradable.

How many Bizad undergrads needed to replace a lightbulb?
The whole fac. One group of girls to ask the Engin guys to design for them, the rest try to sell to the whole world.

How many Sci undergrads needed to replace a lightbulb?
None. They only know the theory. They leave the application to the Engin guys.

How many Law undergrads needed to replace a lightbulb?
Just one. The top student! They just need to sue the lightbulb factory, and ask them to pay $75,000/- on top of replacing the lightbulb.

How many Music undergrads needed to replace a lightbulb?
None. They can go accoustic.

How many SDE undergrads needed to replace a lightbulb?
The whole fac. PFM ppl will supervise the project called "Lightbulb Replacement Project". Industrial Design ppl will make a new lightbulb that can act as a scanner and a massager. Archi ppl will think of the design of the whole house on which the lightbulb is installed. The Real Estate ppl will spam the world with such house.

How many Computing undergrads needed to replace a lightbulb?
None. Who cares. As long as the laptop is still on....

copyright TLO 190807 1759h


Hmm... I decided to spam my own blog today... Long time no writing. Anyways, this is something that I came up with when I was with Edwin n Aditz...


A lecturer enters a COMMON ENGIN lecture group and greets the students "Good morning!"

A student who is going to be streamed to Bio Engin would:
reply back to him

A student who is going to be streamed to ISE would:
prepare his desk, take out his lecture note and his pen, open up to the last page of the previous lecture, say "Good morning!" all in grand total of 3 seconds (super efficient mah?)

A student who is going to be streamed to Civil Engin would:
be busy making a pyramid out of 3 of his pens

A student who is going to be streamed to ME would:
*snort* uh... lecture time already arh (while waking up from his nap)

A student who is going to be streamed to EE would:
(talking to each other) Wart iss the meaning of good morning? (in thick Indian accent of course)

A student who is going to be streamed to Chem Engin would:
take down "Good morning!" on his notepad (a bit too diligent, eh?)

A student who is going to be streamed to ESP would:
confuse whether the should be in Science instead

A student who is going to be streamed to Env Engin would:
ponder whether the morning is good if the PSI is in moderate level

A student who is going to be streamed to MSE would:
be analyzing whether the bench could be made comfortable if the manufacturer used HDPE instead and ask those Bio Engin guy whether the material is biodegradable or not

A student who is going to be streamed to Comp Engin would:
printf("\nGood morning!\n");

copyright TLO 190807, 1741h

Cheer v Praise

As might have been observed I always draw a parallel line between my secular life and my spiritual life. Well this time I would present my case on why cheering is at lower level than praise. Many regards my cheering ability above normal. I once did a list on how many cheers I could actually lead and it turned out that I had a collection of 39 cheers (not included those I can half-lead). All the lesson I have learned from cheering apparently showed me that praising God is of a higher level than cheering.

In cheers, you shout your heart out loud.
In praise, you shout your heart n soul out loud.

In cheers, the text does not matter, as long as you high can already.
In praise, while the text matter, the most important thing is the heart of worship, being high is not enough.

In cheers, you build the spirit of the team.
In praise, you build the throne of God.

In cheers, if you do stupid actions with your team, no one is ashamed.
In praise, even if you are the only one doing a stupid action, you wont feel ashamed.

In cheers, 'we' (including me) are the best.
In praise, 'He' (not including me) is the best.

In cheers, the happier your heart is, the better.
In praise, even your heart is broken like mad, God is still pleased.

In cheers, you must smile!
In praise, you can cry!

In cheers, louder is better.
In praise, louder can be worse if your heart is not set on the correct place.

In cheers, you shout out loud nonsense after the cheer to maintain the high-ness.
In praise, you shout out loud after the cheer how you praise God in your own words.

In cheers, you can insult anyone.
In praise, no insulting please...

See what I mean, praise is of higher level rite??

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Things I did during my blog-absence

-> becoming bad guy the whole 4 days
-> chasing ppl, booking societies
-> kicking Haleluyah Society out of MPSH
-> kena spear by Jeremiah, followed by wall of Jericho n inverter
-> fastest carry-er of 10 matric packs
-> looted matric packs n being looted by those in NUSSU Sec

-> fought for FD
-> being demoted to Log Team due to overpersuasiveness
-> kanasai by all the log+prog s***
-> witnessing Alchemist (FD reloaded) becoming the contract killers
-> pride of being the OGL of FD
-> black

*Kulinus - Kulinite
-> high level of spirit of the ppl in kulinite (my lvl 2 though)
-> perform with Citra's grp
-> R-O-K lets ROK (relax one korner la) with Edo, Dipta, Adit Kris, Leo...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Interview with The Lame One

The Lame One (TLO) is a CCA-whore, specializing in orientation programmes. He's been super busy with his projects and thus, it is very fortunate of me to be able to get a interview with him. This is the excerpt of the interview...

Me: Hi, good afternoon, thanks for your time... I heard you have been very busy with your projects up to a point you have been missing since 4 July 2007. What have you been doing all these days?

TLO: Wah lau... Very damn busy la. 6-7 July got Oweek dry run, then 9-14 got Union camp. Then after that must be ready for those Indon freshies. Then MF also got the meetings n stuff. U damn lucky lorh got time to interview me one...

Me: Are you indicating that you are free today?

TLO: No la! Where got free... Yesterday call ppl up for the councillors for Oweek. Some never pickup, today must call again. Some give wrong number. Bah! Hate this kind of thing... N later 6pm I must go back to PGP leh... Those Indons going to Orchard, I must join them one...

Me: You were mentioning about PGP. Despite your abundance of CCA points, why do you not move to hall? I heard that it is more fun staying at halls.

TLO: Hall fun. Ya, true true. But then my frenz are in PGP. Then I know the security guards, techies, RA of PGP. Some more I already involved in outside activities..

Me: NUSSU, you mean?

TLO: Ya lorh... I like hanging around in NUSSU Sect. If I stay in hall one, I dont think can be as active as now... By the way arh... 2 of those NUSSU Exco have been influenced by my sandal-kicking antics hahahaha...

Me: That's quite an interesting fact. Speaking of which, you have rubbed shoulders with quite a few of those excos during the Union Camp. What do you think of them?

TLO: Ei bro! Dont say UC UC hor... I dun like UC one! Ok ok... I must be professional one... Hmm. Those excos are not camp material lah! Only Donald can lead cheer but toned down already according to Jeeremiah. Others, hmm... Can lah, but cannot make it in my standard. But then hor, wad to say... Everyday do paperwork, throat cannot cheer already.

Me: That is an interesting theory. There is a thing that I would like to clarify. One of the councillors of Paikia, Amy Leo has expressed her interest on becoming an OGL of Engin Oweek. You, as the VPD of Oweek, have expressed your doubt about this. Is this true?

TLO: Gam puah true lah! Dry run one she everyday call call call call people one. Quotation this. Quotation that. Then hor UC also never heard her lead a cheer. Like that want to be OGL arh? Must really impress me during the second dry run la. I talk to my boss already. He also thinks the same. I heard she busy coz the HonFin of NUSSU zhao somewhere. Then I think she should not become OGL lorh, do her stuff first.

Me: There is another rumour circulating around that you do cheer in the middle of lectures. Is it true? I can picture you doing the 'wad say you say' cheer in LT7A you know.

TLO: *!@#$%*!@#$%^&*( not true la! Outside camp I'm just normal Engin guy. A lot people think like you lah, especially after watching but I say again arh. Not true! I only go high on camps!

Me: Really? Hmm, maybe we really cant judge the book from its cover.

TLO: Ya lorh, that's exactly what Sharon said. You know, that girl from Hydra then UC joining Paikia.

Me: Your romantic interest, perhaps?

TLO: Wah lau! You want to die is it? She attached FYI. But yeah, quite some people ask me already wad my traffic light status is. Some think I am red already leh.

Me: And you are?

TLO: Dont have driving license yet.

Me: Uh, sophisticated answer. But I'm just curious about this. Do you expect your wife to be able to cheer as loud as you?

TLO: Err, no lar. Prefer my wife to be quiet one. Someone to control my self-high. Im not Shing Lam larh. He expect his wife to 'Ecstasy' cheer before bed leh! And he eyes someone already haha...

Me: And who might that be?

TLO: Secret la. Oei, why talk about this? Back to laptop larh!

Me: Sorry about that, Sir. Shall we talk about Oweek?

TLO: Ok, fine. Wad u want to ask? I a bit piss off one about Oweek but can larh... Professional one.

Me: Exactly. I heard from a trusted source that you lost your temper during last Oweek meeting. I do believe that you have your own reasons?

TLO: Ya lorh. First I very the sorry one I piss off leh. You see, I got a handicap in Singapore. Cant speak Chinese, and thats why I want to take Chinese next sem. Then in the meeting everyone speak Chinese. Ok, I can take it to a certain extent but yesterday hor, got s*** happens la. They never allow FD stay during Oweek. Ok lah, as committee I ok, can take it one. But after all they allow Joel to make a house leh. Not fair rite?!

Me: But that does not justify your anger, does it?

TLO: Ya lorh, I know. That's why I sorry one. After that, that Tsin Li ask those FD are councillors or freshie. I say freshie. Then she says this 'Freshie wad? Who cares?' This one arh, enuf already. Come on la, I study TR2201 then I heard this s*** arh, cant take it already. This point I explode alr lorh. Lucky only 2 words 'I care!'

Me: Why would you call that lucky? I mean afterwards, Shing Lam talked to you regarding this and this shows your failure, isnt it?

TLO: As in lucky I never whack her right in the face! Lucky I can control a bit my anger! I bet no one want to see me angry rite?

Me: Judging from your dark past, yes. I do not want to see you 100% angry.

TLO: Better like that. I also dont like my temper leh. I want to control more lah. But I a human mah, got some threshold thingy. You cross this threshold, I explode. But trust me, yesterday only 25% of my temper out. Hopefully I dont explode again during MF or Oweek.

Me: I hope so. Interestingly, for MF you are given a security officer position which require you to be intimidating sometimes. Your job scope is to ensure that no unauthorised personnel can enter MPSH and its surrounding. Do you make any preparations yet, considering security is an important aspect of MF?

TLO: Erm, sorry ah. But I dont think I use threat to chase those bugger out of MPSH. This MF I rather see as challenge. Can I hold my anger in front of those irritating bugger? Can I be authoritative without being scary? This one must rub my chest all the time.

Me: It's been nice talking to you. But I see it is almost 5.30. You do not want to be late for your next programme do you? Thanks for your time and cooperation.

TLO: Welcome. See you again arh. I think ur question list not finish yet haha...

Me: Certainly so...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Another post on Risk

Rafi, Yong, Ted, Nonk are banned from reading this post
PS: Even if you dont lend me your Lenovo anymore I dont care haha...

Hahahha... Apparently my last post continued... Risk is really risky game to play. Look at the state of the Project Room 2B. Now I think Risk is not a recommended game to be played among the hard-headed people. Haha... There is a massive psychological (and linguistical, to a large extent) warfare in the room after the Risk game. Hmm... Maybe it's just the composition of the players which are just wrong. Yong and Rafi are the serious ones. Nonk is the moody guy. Me and Ted are the clowns. 2 clowns meet 2 serious guys. Big fight. A moody guy who is actually dont want to play but choose to play. Bad mood. Big fight + bad mood = madness!

Even from the start I noticed that there is something wrong with the game. I mean look... Yong was playing stupid online game with his laptop n Nonk was making noise about unfairness of the game system, roll dice kind of game. Anyways, as the game went Yong kept telling the rest to finish him off coz he was sleepy. My foot lah! Once he got his huge reinforcement he was like so onst. Bah! I cant call that a psychoing strategy even if he said it afterwards! Haizz... Why cant God gives ability to read mind... (although that's gonna be even messier). But still if I saw (hopefully true) this was the scenario on Yong's mind. Initially he saw the arrangement on the board and beaten by me in Aussie. He lost his morale and did not feel like playing anymore. Then he seek refuge in his stupid game (feeling sorry for my choice of word...) and kept telling us to kill him. Wth?! He even still fresh now! And it's like 4 am now? Isn't it ridiculous? Oh well, maybe adrenaline rush but.. just not common sensical.

Anyways, the game turned very wildly at this moment. After he bunked himself in one of the Russian area, he planned major invasion on me haha... But suddenly we felt that we (me, Nonk, Yong.. by then Ted was reduced to Japan only) should screw Rafi out first. And on doing such killing most of me. Haha... I laughed at that (PS: Rafi said nothing! No one can deny that!) and immediately counting at how many guys I had to take out Rafi's main army in umh... Canada. So yeah, that was what we did. Yong wiped out most of my Asia (which was not defended well) but leaving Aussie so I got the 2 extra troops. Then he wiped out most of my army in North America leaving Greenland alone so I had the access to Rafi's main troops. Then Nonk wiped out Europe and leaving a state for backup gateway to Rafi's troops. And as a result, a major invasion. 38 vs 29 troops each. Just following probabilities lah! I won...

Ok... And here's where the 'fun' par began. Rafi and complained about the alliance. Oh well, yeah... That was an obvious alliance. Hello... We all knew that was a late game. And Ted was already no mood playing (one state only, gonna die soon mah) although I am not sure of it. Nonk has suggested few times to end the game (aka to gg) and called for a voting which only me and him agreed to stop and meant we kept playing (note: Rafi still wanted to play, which later he excused himself of not knowing we were going to gangbang him). Come on, who would think of extending the game. I myself just wanted to end the game on high note. That's why I invaded Ted the turn before instead of fortifying Asia. Hmm... Talking about the pissing off thing, apparently Rafi regarded alliance as unfair! Damnit, everyone knew it is unfair. But that's how the game can run. Angry is ok, but pissed I dont agree. Bah! And talking about his style of playing being international!!! I have heard few times but I could not remember the source saying that you would clique with people of your own style. Even if someone says that he and his international friends do it this way, doesnt mean that other local way is weird / wrong. This is my stand. So, sorry... Point not taken.

And after the heated debate between Yong and Rafi -the earlier denied that it was heated- the rest (Rafi moved out) moved to TV room where Ted (coz he finished playing for qt long time) already been. Me and Nonk initially came in peace (duh! fren fren mah?) then it was disrupte by Yong's coming to discuss about that interesting incident. Oh well, big debate happened after that. Quite brutal one as temper flared (whoa, big phrase!), interruptions flew and argument thrown. The main thing was that Nonk believed that everyone should not be pissed after the game (so have fun lorh!) while Yong believed that game should be played as if it was real life situation (ie so must play seriously). So Nonk thought that it would be better if there is a rule saying that there should not be obvious alliances, which I contested because there is a subjectivity element there (what is obvious and what is not?). Good thing is that both still okay-ed to my silly suggestion of a minute of no interruption rule. Even Ted joined the fray attempting to rephrase both side of arguments in simpler words. It's just mad haha. I even covered my mouth upon speaking.

The argument was neverending one. Even till now, 5am, it is still not resolved. Yong was just too defiant and Nonk could not get Yong's view. I do not fully agree with both points but I could respect both. So yeah, for Ted's, Nonk's n my side I think all is cleared. As I said earlier, fren fren mah? Why angry coz of this thing. And we talked to clear this. So yeah, just need to see how Yong and Rafi today. I dunno about Rafi, just could not connect. When we played (real played as in making fun of everyone) he was mad and refused to play. So it is like strike two hahahhaha... Is it strike three and out or strike two and out? Haha...

Okay, I have to admit that I was a bit aggressive on using my loud voice to 'moderate' the debate . And talking about the debate I've just learned that Nonk quitted debate coz he does not like the fact that debate would yield in nothing. And besides that I understand that I made some mistakes. One, I was too erratic in play, sometimes with strategy sometimes with madness. Two, I lost it when Yong destroyed (which I believed to be accidental) my arrangement of pieces. Three, I lost it (again...) when Ted messed up with the game. So yeah, think I set the mood a bit bad as well.

I brought this up to Ted. That did not like his entertaining style. He entertained others by jacking someone (as always...). During the course of the game, he nuked some pieces by using rubber bands, hid a few of Nonk's pieces, putting in 'rebel' forces in his land etc etc. While I was not targetted, I did not like that he continuously disrupted the game. And the fact that he kept jacking a target (did he not think about the guy's feeling?). Oh well, maybe just my style is different. To entertain, I would jack myself and that's why Ted sometimes unconsciously picked me a few times as the target.... Like when he told the 'I never kiss a guy' thing a few times and I jumped 5 times while screaming 'one, two...' For those who dont understand, it's truth or truth with doing that as the punishment for those who cannot say 'no'.

And all these bring me into a thought... Are all games to be played to win or to have fun. One thing to take note is that when you keep winning, it is going to be fun. But does the maxim 'play to win' hold true in all cases? Obviously I could not answer using absolute yes or no. But this is my foolish stand. I play to win. But I would make fun of myself on the course. Justification of my stand: 'play to win'... of course lah, there is such thing called 'objective' of the game. Why play if dont want to fulfil the objectives? 'make fun' I think game was created so that the player could have some fun. Of course must ngebanyol a little bit rite? I'm not the kind of guy who is having fun by playing it seriously all the time. 'of myself' Hmm... I rather have the pain of being laughed so that others would not suffer. But I dont know whether this is the best way to initiate fun. For this I would see how different situations can shape my stand.


Lighter note! I kena inverted by Jeremiah again. haha. Fun but this time hurt lah. Could not balance myself so I fell forward. Luckily I tucked my head inwards and rolled on my left shoulder, so only my left knee suffered from minor abrasion. And that was during the clearing up of NUSSU dungeon. I got 6 pieces of T-shirt. So Cit, you can have one for your dance practices. Remind me haha. Umh, did not manage to get James' order of weird stuff like parfume and stuff. But nevermind got backup. Give him a T-shirt n Singtel book would suffice haha.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Risk, the ultimate real life strategy game...

Another mad day in PGP... It started with Risk. Ted, Nonk n Yong were trying to play the game but not really knew how to play it. Knowing the simple rule (from that time Danny, Ismy n Cindy playing) I offered to b the 'judge' of the game. Nonk was not really convinced that it's going to be fun because he thought all based on luck. Well, I personally thought it was quite true. To win a Risk game you really need a lot of luck! But anyway yeah, first game Yong bashed them. So round one, gg...

Second round I was damn bored (coz all the msn chat closed) and thus decided to play with them. It was a CHAOTIC game!!! It started with Ted declaring he was playing anyhow one for fun! So yeah, I followed suit by playing anyhow. After all game is supposed to be enjoyed right? Hahaha... So yeah, first step is the dividing the world step. I first took Indonesia (well...) coz I'm loving it haha... Then, because no one contested me, I continued my pick on the Papua (I dun care whether they call it New Guinea or whatever) and Western Australia. Eastern Australia went to Teddy so I contested him back in Southern America in 2 'states'.

So the games went on and on... At a point Nonk did a northern hemisphere region conquest and on the way, he messed up Ted n Yong's regions. They retalled and surprisingly leaving my weakly guarded Africa alone. As a result I could fortify Africa next turn and my winning was inevitable. They GG-ed at the point I had Australia, Africa n South America. Whee... But that game was real fun. Yong attempted to hold onto Japan only. A bit mad guy. He said that he would conquer from Japan. And Nonk was mad coz Ted got 6s 3 times and foiled Nonk's invasion to Ted's territory. Hahaha... Yeah, luck and skill haha... So for now I guess we (the RA community ++) are addicted to Risk. But sad enough, the 2 gals normally with us no longer here (no mahjong mah...) but well... I enjoyed my company. That's enough right...

In the mean time still thinking on next FD outing...

Friday, June 29, 2007


(continue from previous post)

So yeah, I spent like few minutes sending my dad smses to get those three digits and somehow that day it was real tough to sms my dad. Oh, he did reply... 2 hour after I msged him and by then I went back home alr, So in the end we bought some random coded transistors. I do hope they work. Anyways the golden aged guy went with me was not really so called cooperative. He kept pointing at transistors out there (any transistors) and kept saying 'Bentuknya kayak gini...' (the shape looks like this). Oh well... I know la! I took electronics for 3 years leh... If I still cannot differentiate transistors from capacitors or other components I am a world-class phenomenon... I am not saying he's a bad guy... He's nice. Just that yesterday he was making me lost it. My bad temper huh... Proof: after treating me lunch (great food) he asked me to accompany him to buy bread. After paying for 4 loaves of bread, he shoved the bag to me saying that those bread were for me.

Anyways the 'bad' days continued after the Bizcom meeting. I was pretty tired out (cleaning Bizcom table) to think straight. So when we went out to have supper, I was too concerned about the amount of money in my wallet instead of thinking on how to ngakalin (umh... how to translate... 'play around' maybe) with the $4 I had. My 'best' solution was going to other restaurant to buy food. But it turned out that I had to spend $3.80 bah!!! I expected to spend below $3 btw...

Sounds bad rite? To think on the surface, yes! It is real bad. But I believe in a thing...

This is the day
This is the day
This is the day
That the Lord has made
That the Lord has made

Let us rejoice
Let us rejoice
And be glad in it

This is the day that the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it
This is the day that the Lord has made

So yeah... just some food for thought for myself... If today is the day that the Lord Himself has made, and all His creation were seen by Him to be good ones, why should I care on how the day goes? He would never plan any bad thing to happen to His kiddoz, wouldnt he?

Anyways, saikang job over... Quite a tough job to remove paint from artpaper... But Jeremiah's Vim finished all. Got quite some boards for O-week (meaning cut cost!). If Shing not happy arh, hahaha.... Going to do a weird mythocard to screw him. Oh and must credit God -as always- who made it rained that I could use it to wash off the soap. But then my room would flood (yes... now understand ur feeling!) hor... Still nevermind! REJOICE!!!

Bad day... Not really...

I woke up yesterday with a big challenge on my shoulder and I cant beat it. So there I went down the drain of my own stupid mistakes n as a result I lost the joy of the day.

I was supposed to go to meet my father's boss' father to accompany him to buy some electronic spareparts. They were saying it is regulator LT1084, 1085 and 1086. But I knew for sure it is not called regulator coz there is no electronic component called by that name. So I asked my dad about this and apparently yeah, they were actually looking for transistors which act as regulators of a circuit. See... Proven?! And to think 2 days ago I went to sweep Sim Lim Square (mind you this is a computer mall) to buy regulators... No point rite??? Wasting my time... And then the night before my dad's boss called me to say it is not Sim Lim Square, but I was supposed to go to Sim Lim Tower! Madness... After the tiring sweep then they told me...

Seriously I thought nothing could be worse than that in terms of challenge of my temper. Oh well my guess was wrong. Upon taking cab to that Sim Lim Tower, I asked the taxi driver 'Which way are you taking?' and he understood it as 'Hello Sir, dont fool me! You go the wrong way!' and he was mad at me. Then asked me with a raised voice how many times have I been to Singapore and I answered I stayed here 6 years already. Not happy with that he mocked my unawareness of one direction traffic system in Singapore despite my stay for a long time. Having enough of that I fumed lah... (loooosssseeee ittttt...) and I fought with him inside a taxi with my dad's boss' dad next to me. Lucky for me he did not understand English so hopefully he did not notice some bad (and no, I did not swear) phrases I uttered to the taxi driver. You see the snowball effect... The morning I did not have the proper mood to start the day and then my mood went worse.

Even worse, during the search of the transistors, I found out that there were 3 more digit next to the numbers. So actually names of transistors goes like this XX XXXX XX X. XX is manufacturer code. XXXX is the type of transistors (numbers). XX I dunno yet. X indicates at what current this transistor works. Correct me if I'm wrong. But as stated on top, I only told the XX XXXX part.

Update later.... Saikang job soon...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

51st Post: Tribute To Flying Dutchman

Whoo yeah... Havent really write much here other than short recaps which did not really represent my thoughts. My ENGIN CAMP 2007 has been real great. I have to say that it is greater than the 2006 one. Speaking of which I have just found Lynn (lynn-lime) blog haha... A bit missed the last year camp when I was a freshie and as Evonne put it: any fresher you have to peel it yourself haha. Anyways, just want to quote from my OG mate, Chong Yi about the camp

Whether FD won the first or not is not important. (We know the truth
ourself. Rite?) Most important is our friendship bonding, our
Dutchman spirit of flying and striving till the end and lastly
having fun in the camp.

Even though it's just 4 Dayz and 4 Nitez, our friendships like we've
known each others for mths or even yrs. That's what i'm proud of and
I hope that even yrs down the route after we graduate, our
friendship remains burning strong and bright. It's really possible
cos even my pri sch mates(it's like 10 yrs back!!!) have gathering
recently too...

Remember the first dayz when our spirit were not high enough, the
councillors really does a great job in requesting only "essence"
from us. The lame entertainment and games helps to boost our morale
for the next few dayz...

What's unbelievable is the Sentosa dayz... Cycling to a point, park
our bicycles(with the help of some councillors looking after them)
and run to our checkpoint really seems more like playing Sentosa
amazing race. Not forgetting our success of only group that complete
all 8 stations in the stipulated time without fail and got the
highest spirit then...

Even though our score change wif Sotong, the "siao on" and never
give up spirit still in us. We even go to the extend of taking taxi
down to AMK and try our ways and means to win the game even though
we were left wif 5 freshies...

Whoo yeah.. It's like indeed true. I am proud to be with these madness-filled guys. The first day I came to the camp I was in the why-the-heck-all-the-guys-look-so-sian state. I just could not see the hint of madness in their eyes especially when I looked at Shee Ling and Keow Koon. I dunno, they are just look too uhau. But they proved me wrong. Shee Ling, despite her small stature and quiet personality is actually a very onst girl. She could keep up with the rest of the FDs. Then KK is moderately onst but she could surprise me sometimes with her eagerness to join many stuff. Cynthia n Qiying were livelier. I could see from the beginning. But to reach such a greater 'heights' well... I salute them.

The guys on the other hands look the cool cool type at the beginning. But I think it is pretty normal for all to behave that way. But one thing suprised me is that they had taken off their masks pretty fast. Only after a telematch all the madness started to oozed out. Cynthia put it this way "...after one day we just gelled already...". Yeah. Indeed true. The essence of cheering has rubbed on each and everyone of us.

So yeah, this post is of a honour towards (in no order of preference) Wyman, Zhaohui, Carine, Yiyang, Fengyi, Linette, Ben, Qiying, Cynthia, Shee Leng, Hong Sheng, KK, James, Kenneth, Chongyi. To all the essence of Flying Dutchman. To all the friendships that were made.


Monday, June 25, 2007

Jamrud's Kabari Aku

Aku di sini dan engkau di sana
Membentang luas samudra biru
Memisahkan kita
Inginku berenang ke kotamu
Tapi pasti tenggelam dan kau sedih

Kirimi aku kabarmu di sana
Lewat telepon, surat, faksmili
Ngobatin rinduku
Kirim juga foto ukuran jumbo
Biar nanti ku pajang di kamarku

Ngurangin beban ini
Ngurangin sesak ini
Ngurangin rasa ingin bertemu
^Nggak perlu curiga
^Karna ku tahu kau masih
^Memegang janji yang dulu pernah kita spakati

Mungkin tak lama lagi
Aku hadir di sana
Atau tak lama lagi
Kau yang ada di sini

Aku di sini, kau ada di sana
Membentang luas samudra biru
Memisahkan kita
Ingin ku terbang bersama angin
Tapi nanti tersesat dan kau sedih

Suddenly thought of this song and yeah, I can say that this song represents my feeling right now, haha... Other than the three lines which I started with '^', the song is just right... Hope you read this and understand this hahahaha (I doubt it)...

Anyways, my skin now darkens like mad up to a point that the tone is now similar to Yossy's one, hahaha (no offense). My voice has recovered pretty well now but I guess must rest more for the o week dry runs.

The kids complained to their mum that their study session with me is pretty much useless. I would say so too. They dont have motivation! How am I supposed to make them study?! I can teach well if the student (like my bro) is motivated. And hey, motivation comes from self, not from other...

Friday, June 22, 2007

All Aboard 2007

This is what I have learned from Engin Camp:

1. There are 2 types of good councillors, one is firestarter, another one is kerosene. Firestarters would unleash the madness in the group while kerosenes would give crazy ideas on those mad people.

2. For an OG to be siao on, at least 2 siao on persons required. If there is only one siao on guy, the pressure on him would be excessive. Once he cannot take it, the madness would go away. If there are more people, when one dies off another would step up.

3. A camp must give equal opportunity to those who are physically not so powerful. That way, at least weaker-in-physical-aspect groups would have some opportunities to win games.

4. To make a winning OG, you will need to keep the spirit level up. And to keep the spirit level up, you will need to win games. So it is kind of circle and thus winning games in the first day is very important.

5. Good ice breaker games are those involving extreme actions and those which does not require complicated instructions.

6. Essence of cheering is not the words. It is how crazy you go (the rah rah) after the cheer. The crazier the group goes, the higher the spirit of the group will go.

7. There are two types of creative person. One is planned freak, another is spontaneous freak. In an ultimate OG, both types of creative person must be present.

8. In a good committee, everyone must know what is going on in the camp, even if they are not responsible of it. At least they should know whom to go to if a problem arises.

9. Always assess risk of injury no matter how small it can be. In addition, always have a trained first aider (and a lifeguard in case of pool games) ready.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Politic (inspired by Lionheart)

Let me tell you a story about a fictitious country called the country of N.

A = the largest organisation in the country 'N'
B = a standing committee of the organization 'A'
C = another standing committee in the organization 'A'
D = an ad hoc committee set up by the big guys in 'A'
E = a yearly project under the initiative of 'A'
F = previous head of 'B' who has a very large influence
G = the current head of 'B'
H = another yearly project under 'A' to welcome new members of 'A'
I/J= other large standing committees in 'A'
K = young prodigy of 'B' recently joining as propaganda master
L = a genious marketeer, recently joining 'B'
M = a mad logistic guy, knowing nothing but given some responsibility in 'B'
N = the country where all this happens
O = the logistic pro, tipped to be the next operation head of 'A'
P = a mysterious organization from last year project 'E'

And the story goes like this...

Hi, I'm M. Being a head of a division in project E has not been easy for me. While I could rub my shoulders with some high rank officials of A, there is quite a large responsibility to bear. My division is divided into two... Sad but it is the truth. I (and five others) am from H while three quarter of the people in my division happens to come from P. One fine day I received this mail from a guy in my division saying that we are kicked out entirely from project E because of our divisons' inefficiency. Being a responsible head of division, I attend a meeting with E's project directors later on. They tell me that while it is indeed true that the whole division is disbanded, the six guys from project H are kept because of our loyalty to the project so far. I am in a difficult position, how am I supposed to tell the members of P that we are kept?

The story does not stop here. It is well complicated by the possible kicking of B-team from the project. It is said that they have not been active as well. Knowing this, F is furious. He has been helping out in A a lot, such that A fund has been overflowing under her leadership. He analyzed the situation and thought that the real reason behind the scrapping of B from project E is because G, the successor of F, attended meeting of C instead coming to the dry run of execution of project E. F regards this as A's lack of gratitude towards what B has done to A. After some threats that B is going to resign and bring I and J to rebel against board of management of A, at last B-team would still joining project E. Well I cant imagine if all B members decide to resign. A would lose many upcoming prodigies such as K L and O. Besides, are not B members the spine of D, who fund project E and F? A is going to have some trouble in this financial year is really all members of B resign. But hey, as a member of B I'm glad that this minor internal conflict has been won by F...

Thursday, June 14, 2007


In early-game DotA, when you are the only hero in the line, it is nice. You can get all the exp for yourself. But in real life, it is not. When you are planning to go creeping, it's better to go as a team. Why am I saying this? My past few days have not been kind to me. There are a lot of frictions here, there, everywhere. Basically was doing all sorts of CCAs these few days and all turn out not so good. Partially (I feel) it is coz I'm doing those CCA alone. It's like going out of my comfort zone to the wilderness alone. Hmm think more updates later after I'm going to another briefing.

This is my own analysis of all the projects currently I'm doing. Not doing very well but can persevere la... I hope nothing bad is going to happen. So far I think all the above-mentined frictions are manageable.

1. O-Week
Position : VPD
Status: Practically inactive now
Opportunity : High position so got some power. Shing.
Challenge : Dunno Chinese, so not really following 100% of conversation. A little bit confused of my rights.

2. Camp
Pos : OGL
Sta : Almost final execution
Opp : Enthusiasm. Linette.
Cha : Cant blend in well due to lack of ability of Chinese language, nuff said. Rag comm threat.

3. Rag
Pos : Freelance
Sta : Looking for foothold
Opp : Freelance, so no commitment. Blending better with low rank ppl.
Cha : Difficult to talk to the high rank ones other than Wai Teng. Again : Chinese

4. MF
Pos : Ass Sec aka Slacker
Sta : Very unclear
Opp : A lot Indons, can support
Cha : The un-clarity of the current status

5. UC
Pos : OGL, recently demoted to ordinary member
Sta : Recently inducted as a Pai Kia
Opp : Exco exco exco.
Cha : Being the youngest guy of all.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Quick note 1-13 June

Seriously my hectic (or rather uber-hectic) schedule starts taking the toll on me. Simple proof: my abandoning (bah, how to spell that?) of the blog. Good thing never kicks my health off me. Whee.

Got a little bit sick (kind of asthma but i'm sure it's not caused by asthma) when I was back in Pwt but just shrugged it off n it was alright. Did write my thoughts (quite a lot of them) on piece of paper but currently not with me now, so got to copy here. Highlight of the days: food!!! No matter how sucks it supposed to be home cooked food always nice, no? Oh, did not get to buy new comp after all. But never mind, shall survive again this sem, hopefully. Good thing I'm streamed into ME, no need to take C++ hahahhaah.

Back here (10 June), totally tired. 6 hrs car travel + 2 hrs plane trip + 1 hr MRT just to go from my home to PGP. Some more I hang around with my friends... Still managed to go blogger but somehow it's all in Chinese... Tired till I slept the whole day! And it was a Sunday! Meaning I skipped going to church! Feeling very very unwell the whole day, physically mentally psychologically, REAL UNWELL. It's just very very no peace in my heart.

11 June - 12 June is the high-adrenaline-phun Engin Camp dry run. First day: pool games + faculty walk + mystery night. Second day: Sentosa day. Totally tired (again) but as I said PHUN!!! Fun to the core! Salute to the commies, esp Edward! He's the pub head for O-week but his programs for the Camp is best haha... And I'm getting darker now whee... But I think still cannot beat my skin colour during the lifeguard days. Some tips I think anyone should know, when going to beach always rub some sunscreen on your shoulders! Very important! Hands and legs got burned is okay but shoulders must be protected otherwise going to trouble you when sleeping or carrying bags (pain pain, like few campers). Getting to know many wonderfully mad people there. Listing down: Kunlin, Margaret, Joel, Shraddha, Yvonne, Bao (the Tala Ai guy). I'm hoping to do even crazier stuff during the real camp. Going to be under Edward's house (oh! I'm OGL hahahahahahah)

And currently my nongkrong group is slightly displaced. Now I'm hanging out with the RA community. Partially caused by Nonk being RA. But I think this is the sequence:
1. Me, Nonk, Teddy left here
2. Nonk is RA
3. Nonk is busy with RA stuff
4. Me and Ted intro-ed to the RA community
5. Yong knows us already
6. We hang out every nights
And currently as I'm typing they are mahjonging next to me. Bah, not good with mahjong. I always get the so-called bad luck if I play with numbers. Actually coz I dont recognize the numbers till I really practice writing Chinese characters. Oh might as well write about the two RA girls I played with. One is Eileen, classified as serious girl (other example: Yin Jin). I think she takes everything seriously, even mahjong! She is the one very focused even when we all (read: the guys) go mad. I can see her being a taitai in the future; she got the taitai look. The other one is Shu Hui, classified as free spirited girl (other example: Yen Nee). Can laugh at our jokes. She can strike light conversation such as asked me to join the RA community next year. (and no! I dont think I'm becoming an RA)

But for now I have to nurse my burnt shoulder (not THAT bad) while juggling between Engin Rag (helping Wai Teng actually) and work commitment. And after all, this is not a 'quick' record one.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Whoa 10 days or so of inactivity and now my blog commands are in Chinese???? Oh no...

Friday, June 1, 2007


This blog is going to be inactive for a few days (most likely around 10 days) due to impossibility to borrow Nonk's laptop... Going home for soul-fixing and shoulder-fixing.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


The message is now even clearer... Oh God, Thy will be done. If this is Your will, I'll give everything. AAARGH!!! Dunno alredy... Just cant write more.

1. God's provision is on time, never be too early, never be too late.
2. I am not ready for marriage.
3. Meaning romance is too early.
4. Meaning I'll have to wait.
5. Advance proposal is not viable coz it shows possessiveness.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

How to get free stuff in Singapore

Ha?! You think in Singapore nothing is free eh? Hahaha... Not true. There are few free stuff in Singapore. Note: some required thick-skinness to get. Dont tell me I havent warn you hahaha. But then again, for some people who have very little amount of money, this might be useful. Here's the list:

1. Free iced plain water
- Any fast food chain (McD, KFC, BK)
- Standard Chartered (I only know the one in Shaw House, though)
- Get the ice cubes from 711's Gulp machines and go to the nearest toilet
- NUH Emergency waiting room

2. Free Internet (legal one, that is)
- Any Topshops (the one I have tested is in Wisma Atria)
- The trial I'm using right now, available at MRT stations: Yishun, AMK, Orchard, City Hall, Raffles Place, Bugis
- Changi Airport, if you have a boarding pass

3. Free food
- Bee Cheng Hiang samples
- ISETAN Supermarket in B1 of Shaw House sometimes holds food fair (meaning free samples)

4. Free local phone calls
- Hall 4 ACS(I) Boarding School (pity the access is very limited)
- Changi Airport (people use them a lot)

5. Free foot massage
- Changi Airport (again) arrival terminal

6. Free coins
- Need some luck, search through all vending machines you can find

7. Free living appliances
- NUS and NTU Halls of Residence, at the end of a academic year (trust me, it's like IKEA having 100% discount promotion)


50 bucks is the price for my close-to-nonsensical worry @ Nong Khai. That's some wasting of my money but hope the cause worth it. I dunno... I HOPE it does worth it. Late development does not support my original theory. Who knows? I mean it's just funny of me feeling 'jealous' when I do not have the right to. Well, I've read the Boy Meets Girl by Joshua Harris and I know that stupid feeling is wrong. I cant lay claim of anyone or any actions that do not belong to me correct? Oh well, not saying that jealousy is wrong. I mean God calls Himself 'jealous'. As I said, it just depends on the nature of ownership of the things being 'jealoused' at. Okay, this paragraph is close to nonsense coz I deliberately omitted some details. Never mind about this, I just feel like writing this stuff down... No other intention.

Anyways, being an 'I/S/D' person, I just cant help to calculate risk and analyze problems. Good thing that some times God gives me some kinds of sharpness to cut through the superficial layer of conversation. Like yesterday, was in the middle of chat with (hmm... let's give her a nickname...) 'little cow' and out of the blue I asked her whether she got a story to tell... This light conversation ended up as serious one (about BGR) and I'm glad that I could help someone in a sense. Took a compliment from her "i mean, lmy jg buat curhat langsugn mengena gitu ehehehe" (translation: "i mean not bad for sharing, you are very direct"). Oh well, thanks for that. This reminds me of previous incident with my good friend, SiDney. Shall not disclose anything here coz I'll remember this incident for life. Do I have that instinct? I'm not sure coz the thing kicked a few times in my life. If I were to master that instinct to cut through the surface, who knows... I might end up as a councillor / psychologist or whatever you call it.

Read a very interesting blog today, one of a famous fella in NUS. I salute him for his freaking creativity on reporting political matters in NUS. Hahaha... 5 thumbs up: my thumbs, my toes, and my thumbdrive... (oh hey, that's an original, yay!) In the blog, he refers to many incidents in NUS by creating a parallel world. What is it called again? Social satire or something. Well, it is just plain cool, hahaha....

Monday, May 28, 2007

Next step: sem 3

Unlike someone (or many ones) out there, I am not waiting till last minutes to decide what module I should take next sem. Other than 4 core modules, I am planning to go for Chinese 1 and one of the TR modules. I think my taking TR module can be easily understood coz I'm planning to minor there. But why Chinese??? Some people told me that it is a very difficult-to-score module. Well, I dont believe so. Bul got A and Jahat got B+. My main reason to take Chinese 1 is so that I understand my race's language and hopefully culture as well. After all I might need to do something in the future in Chinese (details undisclosed yet...)

Chinese is tough! I got the impression today. Let the story begins. Well one fine day at Plaza Singapura's Carl's Jr... Hmm, maybe I should refer to one of my older posts here. Anyways, on top of the Chilli Cheeseburger with Ivan NB, we were discussing about next sem module. So we are planning to take Chinese 1 next sem. Yeah, that's the spoilsport module. I know many people who know Chinese and still want to take that basic module. Oh, and Nonk also plans to take this module, and his Chinese is pretty good, and he aims to get an A+, and I think I am going to coerce him to do my work haha... Latest info from Jahat is that the tutors can kick people out from Chinese 1 class if they found out that a student has some mastery in Chinese. Wew... Well, I dont have any... So yeah, cant kick me haha...

Oh and talking about Nonk, I think we are going to share the above mentioned modules haha... I'm Engin and he is SDE but it's just a coincidence that we shared 2 modules. And from previous experiences in TR2201, sharing module with Nonk might mean sleepless nights coz we are both last minuters. Not that we dont want to do it on time, just that ideas flow freely when we got no time. But then again, I'm hoping to get other A's like my TR.

Talked briefly to my dad about my result. He's not that satisfied but he said it was okay. His target for me for next sem: SAP 3.50. I think it is manageable coz I've found my motivation already. Moreover, I'm going to drop some CCAs and that means more spendable time. Hopefully can rake up some good marks from Chinese and TR. But the challenge is that I'm taking 6 modules without S/U option. Meaning more stuff to learn. Consistency then is a must. I shall pray so that I can stay focus in my studies. For a slacker like me, it is going to be tough, but I shall try.

Oh another challenge... How to manage my social life. I dont want to score 5.0 but lose many friends in the process. I mean being a hypersocial person, I might go crazy if I dont see anyone around me. If I were to lose my friends I dunno how long I can stay sane. Oh well, I'm not that sane after all. Anyways, time management is going to be very very important... This might be a test for my maturity. Might not there yet, but trying and trying and trying.

Keeping tabs, those confirmed coming to NUS: Kris, Doni, Anita, Harry