Sure you have seen a teabag. Some come with a stapler, others just simple threads. Our lives are akin to the life of a teabag. We just live once. I tried to use a teabag to make more than one cup. Well, the second cup tastes horrible. It is simply because the teabag is not designed to be used twice. Similar to that, I do believe that we just live once and thus, this life can only make an impact once. It's now or never.
You can tell how good the tea is (though good tea doesnt come in a teabag typically) through its colour, smell and taste. To be an impactful person, sometimes we need to reflect to good leaves. In my own opinion, our lives should have these three qualities:
1. Good colour
Colour refers to what others see on us right on the superficial level. It cant be denied that we 'pass by' a lot of people. Imagine those people you see in those shopping malls. Probably they come in contact with you for only -what- 3 seconds. But these human being sometimes take note of you, and judge you. Having good 'colour' means having good behaviour as a whole. Sometimes you went crazy, it is fine. It's just how you crazy that matters. I mean if you take off your clothes, run and do a somersault while yelling 'I love the lifeguard!' when you are in an orientation camp is cool. But when you do the same to attract that hottie in Jurong swimming pool, not only you would not get his/her phone number, you would be shunned by the entire community of Jurong. Sure you would make an impact, just a negative one.
2. Good smell
This point does not refer to your bodily odour per se. Those people who can 'smell' you are those who know you by names, those who would hi and bye you, those who wouldnt mind sharing table at you, etc. You would speak to them, conveying your minds here and there. Well, generally you talk to them. How you speak determine how people see you, and how you make the impact on their life. When you are saying things, think of what you want to say before you say. Think first, think second if required, then say. I like to portray myself as the guy who dont think before saying anything. But with all conscience I have, I always try my best not to say vulgarities, not to touch on sensitive issues, such as how much Man Utd should lose tonight. Similar to BO, I consider vulgarities as an annoyance. Okay, I understand that some people have BO and I can tolerate it a little. But if the BO is getting too intense, I would do a Shadowless Leap from the Charge.
3. Good taste
Tea is best when it is in moderation. Not too diluted, not too concentrated. When I say good taste, I refer to thoughts and feelings. As a general guideline, these are what people would remember from you the longest. Well, generally good tea comes with great colour and smell but I dont really appreciate it if someone say "Hey dude, this tea is good! The colour and the smell is great!". I would then simply reply "The taste meh?" Lets see those persona. Imagine Jesus, Newton, Beethoven, Marx etc. What do people remember about them prominently. Not the way they carry themselves, not the way they carry their idea, but the idea in the essence. We remember the sermon on the mount, we remember f=ma, we remember fur elise, we remember marxism. When you leave this earth, what people would remember from you is your work, so make it counts.
Having said that though, I would not set a priority on which must be accomplished first. The three would have to come together. It is undeniably difficult, unless you are a genius. But one should carry an impact in his life, at least, I want to make a positive impact on the environment where I live in. This life is short, better make it counts.
Life should have a good balance of colour, smell and taste, like the tea I am sipping right now.